Not a word of violence their ass munch
So its a fucking lie
defy and control are dogwhistles for violent insurrections. it's a racist dogwhistle as well.
very problematic.

Not a word of violence their ass munch
So its a fucking lie
No violence happened idiot
After trump said his shit people got violent
People died
they're everywhere.
Karen Conventions are a good start.
Oh really1 trump supporter was killed
not a coups.
yeah but Max has made a career of it. She is the heavyweight champion of the world at it.
right up there with evince !
Oh really
A trump supporter died by drug reaction
They were unable to get her treatment in time because of the crowd and violence
Cops were beat to death and some later died due to the injuries they received
Many were wounded and violated by these trump criminals
liberals are the epitome of insanity for thinking that outlawing abortions won't stop women from getting abortions, but banning guns will stop people from getting guns
Here you have a dem congressperson calling for violent insurrection.
Fuck you
She didn’t incite violence
He’s lying
maybe you should get her a memo about wearing blackface too much.
she's an instigator of high crimes.
Do you have yur lychin' rope handy, Vern?
you know i do not advocate violence.
Im amish. except for substanc abuse and whoring around.
Maxipad Waters is calling for anarchy.
She thought that the Russians had invaded Korea (the Crimea).
This woman is dumb as a rock...perhaps dumber.