Maxine Waters Urges Civil Defiance, terrorism

liberals are the epitome of insanity for thinking that outlawing abortions won't stop women from getting abortions, but banning guns will stop people from getting guns

Australia, New Zealand, and England have done a great job banning guns. The result: No mass shootings.

See how that works?
Every time you are feeling really low and depressed, just remember there is a Mr. Maxine Waters and you will instantly feel better.
Every time you are feeling really low and depressed, just remember there is a Mr. Maxine Waters and you will instantly feel better.

I guess at some of those family drag shows for the family there were placards saying "It's not gonna lick itself."

that reminds me of maxine waters.
No, I don't but you want to justice blowing up another daycare center or a mass shooting of a minority or women's protest so you're grasping at straws. Fine. Go for it. Be the one.

I predict your type of rhetoric will result in massive numbers of Americans dying. All it takes is for a couple of your friends to do it. When they do, along with all the other shit that will happen in the heat of summer, the hammer will come down on WSEs and anyone supporting them...even desk jockey warriors like you and Fredo.

Both of you have left a huuuuuge number of anti-American, anti-police, anti-military and anti-US government posts advocating and supporting violence. Like the Insurrectionists, all of that evidence will add up to you being actively involved in the deaths of Americans. When you get arrested and charged, I'll have no sympathy for you.

No fucks given, just laughs. LOL

well, you can certainly dream a lot of bullshit..........but i've been saying these things for years and nothing................maybe your pipe dream of being a government snitch isn't working out
yes, authoritarianism works great in countries where the people hate well did the bans work in NYC, DC, chicago, and cali?

No authoritarianism there. These are free people. Free of mass shootings as well. American can take a lesson from them.
Speaking of children, what are you going to do about the guns which is the top killer of kids.

I watched Joe sign the bill.....from what I heard it is precisely what I deals with shooters rather than guns and steps up school security and mental health services......oh wait, did you still think guns killed kids?.......the demmycrats in DC finally realized its people who been killing kids all along, not the guns.......
I watched Joe sign the bill.....from what I heard it is precisely what I deals with shooters rather than guns and steps up school security and mental health services......oh wait, did you still think guns killed kids?.......the demmycrats in DC finally realized its people who been killing kids all along, not the guns.......

It will do nothing to keep guns out of the hand of an 18 year-old kid in Texas. If you really cared about children, you wouldn't have waited for Joe, you'd have taken care of it during the 4 years you could.

But you love guns more than children, so poor kids, I guess.