The Supreme Court declares war on modern America


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How radical is this? Well, Justice Clarence Thomas provided the answer by arguing in his concurring opinion that the court should reconsider rights going well beyond abortion. President Biden was right to focus on the import of this: “[Thomas] explicitly called to reconsider the right of marriage equality, the right of couples to make their choices on contraception. This is an extreme and dangerous path the court is now taking us on.”
The court insists that our rights under the 14th Amendment were fixed in 1868. We therefore get a perverse result, as the dissent explains:

Because laws in 1868 deprived women of any control over their bodies, the majority approves States doing so today. Because those laws prevented women from charting the course of their own lives, the majority says States can do the same again. Because in 1868, the government could tell a pregnant woman — even in the first days of her pregnancy — that she could do nothing but bear a child, it can once more impose that command.
A real President accepts rulings from the SC. That puppet Biden just regurgitates whatever someone tells him to say.
How radical is this? Well, Justice Clarence Thomas provided the answer by arguing in his concurring opinion that the court should reconsider rights going well beyond abortion. President Biden was right to focus on the import of this: “[Thomas] explicitly called to reconsider the right of marriage equality, the right of couples to make their choices on contraception. This is an extreme and dangerous path the court is now taking us on.”

#5 post by you on the abortion issue today? Busy beaver. Maybe better use of your time is driving those across state lines.
#5 post by you on the abortion issue today? Busy beaver. Maybe better use of your time is driving those across state lines.

This post ^ is classic, accusing another of being a "busy beaver," coming from a poster who under numerous pseudonyms occupies this forum nearly 24/7, least "bidenpresident" has more to offer than corny "copy and pastes"