Trump pleaded the Fifth more than 440 times

Negative ...Trolling.

The good news is that I do not believe you are evil like Pmp, Primavera and a few others, Sybil. You're clearly slipping a few gears. Regardless if it's genetic or you burned your brain out with a Meth OD, your mental defect doesn't make you evil. It can make you dangerous but not evil. Many people confuse the concepts.
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You are easily the least insightful person on this forum. You and your socks. All tied for first.

Meh. His bags aren't packed very tight but he's harmless. Have you scanned his fake forum? He's very proud of it which is why all three of his socks use it in their signature.

TBH, I see his forum as a clear indication of intelligence and dedication. Most far RWers on JPP are dumbasses. Clear indications of Trump's Sheeple, the poorly educated. Yes, some are old farts with dementia who are in pain and, as they've done all their miserable lives, seek to spread that pain to others as much as possible. Sybil is different. He actually is insane. LOL

He tries hard and I admire that about him.
You know the word "Trump" will be in there somewhere. lol

Exactly. He only cares about himself as proved by his abandonment of his fans after the 1/6 disaster.

How can any sane person believe someone who thinks 1/6 was not Pedo Don's responsibility?

Because it's the right thing to do. Only dishonest people, criminals and pedophiles, of which Trump is all three, avoid the TRUTH.


Right thing to do? AGAIN what would an innocent person have to contribute to an investigation? I love how you people hate the constitution. No one is compelled to talk to the authorities but idiots.