I'm a libertarian, you treasonous cunt. You and the left are fascist fucks who have no business anywhere near government.
So you hate everyone?
Not very Democratic of you
I'm a libertarian, you treasonous cunt. You and the left are fascist fucks who have no business anywhere near government.
No hun, I'm very well locked and loaded as a firearms collector. I can even give you a variety of experiences, from a range of time periods ranging from pre-revolutionary war to WWI to Vietnam to present day as the lead fills your traitorous little head.
14 million veteran patriots against your 3 million cops and guard.......YOU WILL FUCKING LOSE and I hope you're the first to die from it.
you're one of those wimpy fucks who would SCREAM for the government to violate posse comitatus and have the military take over, aren't you? you don't care about the law, you don't care about order, you don't care about justice.....you only care about YOU
i'm not impressed. not one single bit. in fact, I think you're a very terrified little pussy who is just trying to put on a show.
You believe the same stupid lies
You will die just like him if you try something
i'm not impressed. not one single bit. in fact, I think you're a very terrified little pussy who is just trying to put on a show.
I'm a libertarian, you treasonous cunt. You and the left are fascist fucks who have no business anywhere near government.
you aren't capable of rational or logical thought, because of the above. you're stuck on TRUMP!!!!! so your hateful racist trailer trash self can die. or surrender when we find you. I don't really care
I'm a Libertarian, you stupid fuck.
When does it start traitor?
She cares about her monthly welfare check. She's a typical deadbeat that thinks she is owed something by those who work for a living. She is owed NOTHING.
So you plan on killing all the cops and national guard?
Your numbers are not what you think idiot
quit projecting, hate filled traitor. I don't care when it starts. I am only interested in finishing it off with killing all of you fuckstick lefties and righties
So when do you start murdering Americans for trumps lies asshole?
you are incapable of rational thought, so i'm not worried about your idiot math, racist traitor
So all libertarians plan on killing Americans
So you will kill anyone who is not a libertarian
this is the bullshit i'm talking about......you're stuck on stupid because you're full of hate for trump..........so much so that you're incapable of seeing anything else. it's why you gotta die.
I will kill anyone who isn't interested in being American, like you.