all combat is fluid........something you can't fathom.I didn’t say you were worried
Who will you kill first
You have to start somewhere
all combat is fluid........something you can't fathom.I didn’t say you were worried
Who will you kill first
You have to start somewhere
I have to die because you don’t agree with me
Then you will kill libertarians too
What will trigger all this killing from you?
No, you have to die because you hate freedom.
I don't give out military secrets, unlike your precious hillary and joe
why would I do that? they'll be fighting alongside me.
14 million veteran patriots against your 3 million cops and guard.......YOU WILL FUCKING LOSE and I hope you're the first to die from it.
Is that how you came up with that number you quoted
How do you know this number you quote
UNLIKE YOU, I pay attention to the numerous groups out there. It's how I predicted the events of 1/6 and how most of you were so embarrassed not to see it coming, you have to soothe your own self by believing I was in on it.
my NUMBERS are real...............yours are not. I know what's real out there. you are not prepared
There are only about 700,000 libertarians
I saw it coming asshole
Because I don't hide in my fucking basement, like you. I reach out. I talk to people of all demographics.
then dutch uncle should have snitched YOU out to the FBI as no. I do not believe you saw it coming, coward.
and there are 14 MILLION veterans out there who do not identify with either party.
and there are 14 MILLION veterans out there who do not identify with either party.