The red wave is building

Never expect a Trumper to be less than a lying hypocrite. :)


It's a lame tactic, IMHO. Good for a laugh here and there, but essentially just a dodge when a poster can't defend their position or is just interested in a flame war instead of a debate/discussion.

The red wave is building

Less than three weeks out from the midterm elections, the polls are moving in one direction. Even MSNBC's Joe Scarborough “senses” the shift in voter sentiment.

Earlier this week, he spoke to NBC analyst Steve Kornacki, who compared the midterm elections to previous elections. He sees striking similarities to 2014 when a “slow and late-building wave to the point where, even on election night, the magnitude of it took some folks by surprise.” He pointed out that Republicans in 2014 won back the Senate and “reached their highest level in terms of House seats since 1928.”

As Democratic candidates try in vain to resurrect the fervor among pro-choice voters triggered by the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, Kornacki confirmed the obvious: The economy, inflation, and crime are the most important issues.

~ Signs of a red wave abound. Although it’s premature to predict that Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin will pull off an upset victory against New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, he has managed to close the gap from 24 points to 4 in a newly released Quinnipiac poll . New York hasn’t elected a Republican governor in two decades, but it seems Zeldin’s singular focus on the state’s skyrocketing crime rate is resonating with voters.



Trump is on the ballot too?!!
There are no waves of blue or red, grokey. To think otherwise is delusional.

Saved. Once again you are wrong. But then, you're a leftist moron who wallows in "wrong." You can't help yourself because you suffer from a severely retarded IQ and believe an ideology that is built on lies. ;)
That was sarcasm because it is something the Republicans have done the last several elections--they say if they lose it is because the election is rigged. Then, when it happens, they hold on while everyone waits for any evidence to support their accusation.

Democrats said that in 2000 and in 2016 even went to claiming Trump was illegitimate. Funny that dipshits like you think Republicans are the issue.

This will be another historic massive red tsunami similar to the crushing defeat handed to Obama in 2010. Let's also remember that Obama was far more charismatic, wasn't a confused dementia candidate that can't find his way off a stage and has a slightly higher popular opinion poll. ;)
2012 was disputed by Trump.

“He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!” said Trump in one deleted tweet, and “More votes equals a loss … revolution!” in another."

This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

2012? Provide a link to this claim. I wasn't aware that Trump was running in 2012. How about Hillary already claiming that Republicans are going to steal the 2024 election snowflake? Are you starting to see a pattern in your glaring hypocritical posts?

You're quite delusional. Take your meds and get back to us when you are more coherent. :palm:
There has been a record early turnout in voting - which usually bodes well for the Democrats. Republicans tend to wait until election day because trump told them that early and mail-in voting is corrupt.

Saved. November is going to be quite harsh on lying leftist mental cases like you. Better stock up on your meds dipshit. :laugh:
I only posted one. Do a little research and you will find Trump didn't think Obama won legitimately.

So what?!! Democrats never think any Republicans win legitimately. They even made AGE an issue when Reagan ran and won bigly. Your hypocritical point of view adds nothing to any debate. :palm:
It at this point people stop reading your bullshit realizing that you are a sick, repugnant mental case with serious issues that need a psychiatrist's attention. :palm:
Repeats lies from the Internet.

Dear Dumbass, the fact you read my posts is all I need to know that you care. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:
Repeats lies from the Internet.

You sad, repugnant caricature of ignorance, lying and stupidity, you are more than welcome to PROVE I am lying any time. Of course, this post is another of your lies.

I don't think you can post without looking like a repugnant caricature of ignorance, lying and stupidity. ;)

Dear Dumbass,

Dutch, talking to himself again. :laugh:

....the fact you read my posts is all I need to know that you care.

The fact is, when I see you posting absolutely moronic and lie filled bullshit, I enjoy calling you out on it and watching your predictable triggered lunatic rant like responses. ;)
You sad, repugnant caricature of ignorance, lying and stupidity, you are more than welcome to PROVE I am lying any time. Of course, this post is another of your lies.

I don't think you can post without looking like a repugnant caricature of ignorance, lying and stupidity. ;)

Dutch, talking to himself again. :laugh:

The fact is, when I see you posting absolutely moronic and lie filled bullshit, I enjoy calling you out on it and watching your predictable triggered lunatic rant like responses. ;)
When you die, how many people would actually mourn your passing? How many would show up at your funeral just to see you dead?

You're free to claim whatever bullshit you like, but the facts speak for themselves, geezer.