San Francisco votes to allow lethal force police robots

Dutch Uncle

* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Next stop; Robo Cop.

Awesome! Texas is ahead the game. The Dallas Police shooter was killed using a robot-delivered bomb.
San Francisco supervisors vote to allow police to use robots to kill
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted 8-3 Tuesday night to approve a controversial policy that would allow police to deploy robots capable of using lethal force in extraordinary circumstances, according to multiple reports.

The Washington Post reports the vote came after a heated debate on a policy that would allow officers to use ground-based robots to kill “when risk of loss of life to members of the public or officers is imminent and officers cannot subdue the threat after using alternative force options or de-escalation tactics.”

The Post says the measure still requires a second vote next week and the mayor’s approval.

“There could be an extraordinary circumstance where, in a virtually unimaginable emergency, they might want to deploy lethal force to render, in some horrific situation, somebody from being able to cause further harm,” Supervisor Aaron Peskin said at the board meeting, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Police Use of Robot to Kill Dallas Suspect Unprecedented, Experts Say
The death of a suspect in the Dallas police shootings marks the first time U.S. police officers have used a robot to kill someone, according to Texas and national experts.

The death of a suspect in the Dallas police shootings marks the first time U.S. police officers have used a robot to kill someone, according to Texas and national experts.

Hourslong negotiations with the man broke down into an exchange of gunfire, Dallas Police Chief David Brown said at a news conference Friday morning. At that point, the officers deployed a robot armed with an explosive.

"We saw no other option but to use our bomb robot and place a device on its extension for it to detonate where the suspect was," Brown said.
The next raid on a WSE bunker will be very interesting. LOL
why do you hate freedom? does freedom terrify you that much? or is it just the freedom of others that scares you?

I hate the defective deplorables who seek freedom from social responsibility and refer to anarchy as libertarianism.

Why? Because they're a malignant infection on the population.
Next stop; Robo Cop.

Awesome! Texas is ahead the game. The Dallas Police shooter was killed using a robot-delivered bomb.
San Francisco supervisors vote to allow police to use robots to kill
Police Use of Robot to Kill Dallas Suspect Unprecedented, Experts Say
The death of a suspect in the Dallas police shootings marks the first time U.S. police officers have used a robot to kill someone, according to Texas and national experts.

To quote Obi Wan Kenobi, "I've got a bad feeling about this!"
need more information to snitch me out to the feds, traitor?

Only criminals label informants as "snitches". Good, honest Americans consider them to be whistle-blowers, good citizens, honest Americans, etc. YMMV since you are violent WSE member.