Collateral damage like the 168 innocent Americans, including 19 children, murdered by your hero Timothy McVeigh?
you are ok with the government doing it, right?
Collateral damage like the 168 innocent Americans, including 19 children, murdered by your hero Timothy McVeigh?
The next raid on a WSE bunker will be very interesting. LOL
I'm more in favor of the war against the anarchy that libertarians promote.
you are ok with the government doing it, right?
No. How many times do you want me to keep answering the same question?
I remember back about 5 years ago, there was this police shooting an unarmed Black man in handcuffs in MO or somewhere.
It sparked off a series of protest marches in every city across the land. Here in Dallas, the police scheduled a protest with their protection.
But some asshole with an AR weapon started shooting cops from a parking garage tower on the 4th floor.
The Dallas Police brought in their robot, it went straight up the parking garage ramp- right up to the shooter and blew itself up along with the shooter!
Those things work great! No more risking the lives of policemen and their police dogs! We lost 4 police officers that day and several others were wounded. One was a lady officer!
And overall, it was a peaceful protest- THANKS TO THE DALLAS POLICE!
The shooter was not from here- drove here from Louisiana to kill cops!
Next stop; Robo Cop.
Awesome! Texas is ahead the game. The Dallas Police shooter was killed using a robot-delivered bomb....
Police Use of Robot to Kill Dallas Suspect Unprecedented, Experts Say
The death of a suspect in the Dallas police shootings marks the first time U.S. police officers have used a robot to kill someone, according to Texas and national experts.
the same number of times you seem to want me to answer the same fucking questions.
if you're not ok with the government doing it, why do you still support the fucking government, snitch?
You don't answer questions. You run from them. Why? I'm guessing because you don't want to end up on prison like most of your friends who attended 1/6.
Only a deluded fucking moron uses code like "the government". Are you talking about a botched ATF raid 30 years ago? A rogue Army sergeant shooting civilians in Iraq?
When I reference the WSEs, I include people like your friends Stewie, Kellye and your hero Timothy.
Dude, I've spotted your posts as bullshit since November 2020.when you decide to actually be serious and not play this bullshit, let me know. until then, I can only look at your posts as the bullshit that they are.
Dude, I've spotted your posts as bullshit since November 2020.
no. you've needed to deduce that bullshit because you're a fucking coward. It's why you reported posts to the FBI. you're a fucking coward who hates people that are not as cowardly as you.
Meh. He who laughs last, laughs best. You're the chickenshit who talks big and does little, Sgt. Doolittle.
In the end, I think you will work yourself up to mass murder of innocent men, women and children before eating your own gun like the other WSE nutjobs. You will disgrace your name and your family, but you are too insane to care.
One pf my patients was a detective that was one the scene when the deployed the robot with the bomb. The ATF agent on scene made the bomb and use 1 pound of C4. The cops were delivering "food" that the shooter had requested. The robot dropped the bag and took off and still was significantly damaged by the blast as were many of the windows of the nearby El Centro College building. The owners of the robot were not pleased. It blew the shooter's head off.Next stop; Robo Cop.
Awesome! Texas is ahead the game. The Dallas Police shooter was killed using a robot-delivered bomb.
San Francisco supervisors vote to allow police to use robots to kill
Police Use of Robot to Kill Dallas Suspect Unprecedented, Experts Say
The death of a suspect in the Dallas police shootings marks the first time U.S. police officers have used a robot to kill someone, according to Texas and national experts.
I am not that concerned.
I know you will end up losing your guns in a boating accident because you are too cowardly to fight for freedom, instead deluding yourself that you will be ok because you supported the government all the time................
enjoy your trip on the train car.
One pf my patients was a detective that was one the scene when the deployed the robot with the bomb. The ATF agent on scene made the bomb and use 1 pound of C4. The cops were delivering "food" that the shooter had requested. The robot dropped the bag and took off and still was significantly damaged by the blast as were many of the windows of the nearby El Centro College building. The owners of the robot were not pleased. It blew the shooter's head off.
Disagreed since you are obviously upset.
Why would I do that? More proof your grip on reality is tenuous, a fantasy. You dream shit up, puts words in the mouths of others, and then declare it as fact. long as you don't break the law, Sgt. Doolittle. If you have or do, your fantasies will run into reality, just like Stewie and his friends are facing right now.
Your paranoia will be your undoing, dumbass. Get help before you lose everything you have and everyone you love.
Next stop; Robo Cop.
Awesome! Texas is ahead the game. The Dallas Police shooter was killed using a robot-delivered bomb.
San Francisco supervisors vote to allow police to use robots to kill
Police Use of Robot to Kill Dallas Suspect Unprecedented, Experts Say
The death of a suspect in the Dallas police shootings marks the first time U.S. police officers have used a robot to kill someone, according to Texas and national experts.
its' a good thing you're retired. your delusions will require you to be housed somewhere in a psych facility.
Well, THAT's only a matter of time before someone hacks into them.
I'm not the one threatening to murder Americans and praying for Civil War, dumbass.