Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I asked you NOT to go MAGA stupid on me, Dutch. The robots would be guided remotely by cops....the same cops that have been nailed recently with unwarranted shootings, beat downs and such. Thinking a robot would remove that mindset is dumb.
Had the idiots said "demilitarize the police" instead of "defund the police", people would have been more aware of crap like this.
Yes, I get that you hate the police regardless of how many are good. If there's one bad apple, then people like you hate them all.
I disagree. There's over 660,000 police officers in the US: https://www.statista.com/statistics/191694/number-of-law-enforcement-officers-in-the-us/
472 of them died in 2021, this includes suicides and off-duty deaths: https://nleomf.org/memorial/facts-figures/officer-fatality-data/officer-deaths-by-year/
73 were murdered in felonious killings and 52 died in on-duty accidents: https://usafacts.org/articles/how-many-police-officers-die-in-the-line-of-duty/
No doubt all the police haters will laugh and spit on their graves.
Right, I forgot when it comes to any gun related issue or authoritarian issue (i.e., cops) you go MAGA stupid...trying to dodge and cloud the issue with a baseless personal attack.
FYI: my Pop's a retired NYPD Homicide Detective. So I GREW UP with cops and the cop mentality. Among his peers, they weren't thrilled with the issue of the GLOCK as a standard side arm, because (in their words), "it's too easy on the trigger like a toy....accidents are a hell of a lot more likely". Of course, that was his generation...but as my Pop's put it, "a .38 will kill you just as dead as a any other gun used right". Brother, I could relate some stories that would have sitting up at nights. So no, I don't hate cops...I hate lazy, bad & corrupt cops. Capice?
Please explain to the reading audience WTF your little litany has to do with the FACTS regarding police abuse that goes from unwarranted arrest, excessive or unnecessary force, civilian injuries and shootings that were unwarranted?
Here's a primer for you to consider. After reading please click on the internal links for further edification of the subject.
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