San Francisco votes to allow lethal force police robots

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I asked you NOT to go MAGA stupid on me, Dutch. The robots would be guided remotely by cops....the same cops that have been nailed recently with unwarranted shootings, beat downs and such. Thinking a robot would remove that mindset is dumb.

Had the idiots said "demilitarize the police" instead of "defund the police", people would have been more aware of crap like this.

Yes, I get that you hate the police regardless of how many are good. If there's one bad apple, then people like you hate them all.

I disagree. There's over 660,000 police officers in the US:

472 of them died in 2021, this includes suicides and off-duty deaths:

73 were murdered in felonious killings and 52 died in on-duty accidents:

No doubt all the police haters will laugh and spit on their graves.

Right, I forgot when it comes to any gun related issue or authoritarian issue (i.e., cops) you go MAGA stupid...trying to dodge and cloud the issue with a baseless personal attack.

FYI: my Pop's a retired NYPD Homicide Detective. So I GREW UP with cops and the cop mentality. Among his peers, they weren't thrilled with the issue of the GLOCK as a standard side arm, because (in their words), "it's too easy on the trigger like a toy....accidents are a hell of a lot more likely". Of course, that was his generation...but as my Pop's put it, "a .38 will kill you just as dead as a any other gun used right". Brother, I could relate some stories that would have sitting up at nights. So no, I don't hate cops...I hate lazy, bad & corrupt cops. Capice?

Please explain to the reading audience WTF your little litany has to do with the FACTS regarding police abuse that goes from unwarranted arrest, excessive or unnecessary force, civilian injuries and shootings that were unwarranted?

Here's a primer for you to consider. After reading please click on the internal links for further edification of the subject.
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Your hate burns like a fire.

Yep, I hate it when you go MAGA stupid, because you act like our resident MAGA minions...all supposition and conjecture, dodges, detours, smoke blowing. Case in point, you can't/won't deal with my last response.

Now if you stay true to form, your response here will be more "if this is true then that must be true, so I'm right and you're wrong" BS. Or just some schoolyard insult. Whatever, my man. Whatever.
Agreed. That's why I see little difference between you and the worst White Supremacist douchebags.

Ahhh, full MAGA stupid....editing responses to suit your narrative when a click on the arrow shows your dishonesty.

You're done on this, Dutch. Go shower off the stink of MAGA. I leave you to the last predictable word here.
San Francisco cancels killer police robots after backlash

The decision to table the controversial killer robots comes one week after the city approved the plan by a vote of 8-3 on Nov. 29. The board of supervisors has faced fierce criticism since the vote from civil liberties groups who protested outside San Francisco's City Hall.

Fucking liberals. Texas will lead the charge with killer robots to take down terrorists and drug dealers.
and you'll be ok with the 'collateral' damage, right? as long as your preferred targets are taken out?

No, unlike you, I'm not okay with collateral damage. I favor precision. Robots can provide the precision to put a round through the head of the terrorist and/or drug cartel soldier without harming innocents.
No, unlike you, I'm not okay with collateral damage. I favor precision. Robots can provide the precision to put a round through the head of the terrorist and/or drug cartel soldier without harming innocents.

but you ARE ok with collateral damage because these robots will not have the precision necessary. So, WHEN innocents are killed, will you still support the use of these robots because you hate right wing patriots?
but you ARE ok with collateral damage because these robots will not have the precision necessary. So, WHEN innocents are killed, will you still support the use of these robots because you hate right wing patriots?

You can lie all you want, Sgt. Doolittle. You're well known to advocate the murder police and Federal agents for your civil war...not that you'd do it yourself. Your skin is too precious. You just advocate it. LOL
You can lie all you want, Sgt. Doolittle. You're well known to advocate the murder police and Federal agents for your civil war...not that you'd do it yourself. Your skin is too precious. You just advocate it. LOL

you're deflecting. Admit that you ARE OK with collateral damage in the use of these robots, because you would not demand the government cease and desist the use of these robots in the event of innocent deaths. You would simply demand improvement, therefore, you accept collateral damage.
you're deflecting. Admit that you ARE OK with collateral damage in the use of these robots, because you would not demand the government cease and desist the use of these robots in the event of innocent deaths. You would simply demand improvement, therefore, you accept collateral damage.

Sgt. Doolittle, again, you're a murdering terrorist supporter but too much of a chickenshit to get your hands dirty. Was your discharge OTH? Worse? Why else would you hate law enforcement enough to applaud their murders?

you were never taught the difference between innocent civilian and collaberator...............and it shows....

...i'm good, new unit has been together a while...we'd know if there was a traitorous government fuckstick among us....he'd have been disappeared already
Sgt. Doolittle, again, you're a murdering terrorist supporter but too much of a chickenshit to get your hands dirty. Was your discharge OTH? Worse? Why else would you hate law enforcement enough to applaud their murders?

so you wish to ignore your own hypocrisy about acceptance of collateral damage, instead preferring to try and point out other things to deflect away from your hypocrisy. got it.

how do you feel about collateral damage now that you've acknowledged that your robots will cause it?
so you wish to ignore your own hypocrisy about acceptance of collateral damage, instead preferring to try and point out other things to deflect away from your hypocrisy. got it.

how do you feel about collateral damage now that you've acknowledged that your robots will cause it?

You're a well known terrorist supporter, Sgt. Doolittle. Lying is the least of your sins.

I fully support using robots to break into terrorist strongholds and kill all who are attacking Americans.

The fact you on this forum is proof your hands are clean; that you are 100% all mouth, 0% action. You talk big and do little, son. I have no doubt that was the high mark of your military career.
You're a well known terrorist supporter, Sgt. Doolittle. Lying is the least of your sins.

I fully support using robots to break into terrorist strongholds and kill all who are attacking Americans.

The fact you on this forum is proof your hands are clean; that you are 100% all mouth, 0% action. You talk big and do little, son. I have no doubt that was the high mark of your military career.

will you fully support those robots after innocents are killed in the collateral damage? is that a difficult question for you to answer? or do you just not like having to acknowledge that you're one of the biggest hypocrites on this forum?
will you fully support those robots after innocents are killed in the collateral damage? is that a difficult question for you to answer? or do you just not like having to acknowledge that you're one of the biggest hypocrites on this forum?

Asked and answered, Sgt. Doolittle. Pull your head out of your ass and read:
No, unlike you, I'm not okay with collateral damage. I favor precision. Robots can provide the precision to put a round through the head of the terrorist and/or drug cartel soldier without harming innocents.

I know why you do this. You seek to accuse others of collateral damage murdering Americans so you can justify advocating the same for your WSE friends. It's proof you are both a wackadoodle and a terrorist supporter.

When you disappear off JPP simultaneously with the arrest of a ring of White Supremacist Extremists in DFW, I'll be sure to mention it on JPP for you. LOL

this is precisely why I don't have a huge problem with collateral damage. Your emotions and feelings will do nothing but keep you a slave to tyranny

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Asked and answered, Sgt. Doolittle. Pull your head out of your ass and read

and then I asked you if you would continue to support robots after they killed innocents, i.e. collateral have not answered that. In other words, does the 'benefit' of robots killing those you hate outweigh the 'small' number of innocents that could die by their use
and then I asked you if you would continue to support robots after they killed innocents, i.e. collateral have not answered that. In other words, does the 'benefit' of robots killing those you hate outweigh the 'small' number of innocents that could die by their use
You are free to advocate murdering Americans due to this imaginary scenario of rampaging robots murdering Americans.

IMO, you are a murderous wackadoodle. The good news is that you are too chickenshit to pull the trigger yourself. You'll try to manipulate a fucking moron like AHZ to do it for you then claim innocence of his actions. That's how people like you work.

As for the robots, I expect our leaders and LEOs to exercise due diligence in utilizing the weapon. If they don't, then they should be held accountable.