New Atheism


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The term New Atheism was coined by the American journalist Gary Wolf in 2006 to describe the positions of some atheist academics, writers, scientists, and philosophers of the 21st century.

New Atheism advocates the view that superstition, religion, and irrationalism should not simply be tolerated. Instead, they should be criticised, countered, examined, and challenged by rational argument, especially when they exert strong influence on the broader society, such as in government, education, and politics. Major figures of New Atheism include Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Proponents of New Atheism often criticised what writers such as Dawkins described as the indoctrination of children and the social harms caused by perpetuating ideologies founded on belief in the supernatural. Critics of the movement described it as militant atheism and fundamentalist atheism.

"I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. There is something infantile in the presumption that somebody else has a responsibility to give your life meaning and point… The truly adult view, by contrast, is that our life is as meaningful, as full and as wonderful as we choose to make it."

Richard Dawkins
New Atheism advocates the view that superstition, religion, and irrationalism should not simply be tolerated

interesting......New Atheism sounds just like the same old atheism.......

The truly adult view, by contrast, is that our life is as meaningful, as full and as wonderful as we choose to make it."

Richard Dawkins

he's 82 now......his days of making his life meaningful all by himself are running out.....
The term New Atheism was coined by the American journalist Gary Wolf in 2006 to describe the positions of some atheist academics, writers, scientists, and philosophers of the 21st century.

New Atheism advocates the view that superstition, religion, and irrationalism should not simply be tolerated. Instead, they should be criticised, countered, examined, and challenged by rational argument, especially when they exert strong influence on the broader society, such as in government, education, and politics. Major figures of New Atheism include Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Proponents of New Atheism often criticised what writers such as Dawkins described as the indoctrination of children and the social harms caused by perpetuating ideologies founded on belief in the supernatural. Critics of the movement described it as militant atheism and fundamentalist atheism.

"I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. There is something infantile in the presumption that somebody else has a responsibility to give your life meaning and point… The truly adult view, by contrast, is that our life is as meaningful, as full and as wonderful as we choose to make it."

Richard Dawkins

Even in death, Hitchens is still fighting for atheism!
"I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world."

Richard Dawkins
I think it's hubris to leap to the conclusion that our primate sensory perception, and our simian cognitive capacity are capable of accessing true knowledge about all reality.
Atheism is not a claim that one can know the totality of the universe.

If you've written off even the remotest possiblity that an underlying and purposeful organizing principle underlies the cosmos, then you are claiming for yourself the ability to access true knowledge

It's easy to be an atheist when you can point and laugh at conceptions of God as an old guy in a white robe as depicted in the Sistine chapel.

We tend to get a lot more flummoxed when we try to laugh away what is a the core essence of world religions: that reality is underlain by a purposeful organizing principle which might not be comprehensible to our souped up chimpanzee brains.
It's easy to be an atheist when you can point and laugh at conceptions of God as an old guy in a white robe as depicted in the Sistine chapel.

We tend to get a lot more flummoxed when we try to laugh away what is a the core essence of world religions: that reality is underlain by a purposeful organizing principle which might not be comprehensible to our souped up chimpanzee brains.

interesting......New Atheism sounds just like the same old atheism.......

he's 82 now......his days of making his life meaningful all by himself are running out.....

Most world religions throughout all of human history have never contemplated an afterlife, or if they did it wasn't particularly pleasant.

Your vision of a transcendent afterlife and an eternal soul comes from the pagan Plato, not Christianity.
Most world religions throughout all of human history have never contemplated an afterlife, or if they did it wasn't particularly pleasant.

Your vision of a transcendent afterlife and an eternal soul comes from the pagan Plato, not Christianity.

To be fair, Socrates said he was not sure if the soul survives death.
I didn't think that I was a new anything,

but it turns our that I fit the description of the New Atheist.

Good for me!!!
If you do not believe that man created the 10 commandments- all you have to do is look at the first commandment- "Thou shalt have no other God's before me".

That sounds more like a Donald Trump than any God!

And if you are going to only have 10 rules for mankind, why are the first 4 rules about insisting you have no other gods before me, and you shall hot worship anything but me, and you shall not take my name in Vane, and you should reserve one day in your week- and spend that day dedicated to me and worshipping me.

If that doesn't sound like some power hungry ELITIST like Donald Trump with a very low self-esteem of himself and his powers that be, I do not know what does.

It is obvious that if God exists, and wrote the 10 commandments, he is weak- not strong, and has the very same emotional flaws as any man he created.

The first 4 commandments on the list is all about committing your life to ME! ME! ME!

Typical Donald Trump mentality.

And what is this- "Thou shall not kill". Can we be more specific here?

Kill what? Men? Women? Children? Embryos? SPERM CELLS? Virus's? Bacteria's? God's creatures? Plant life? Convicted Murderers and Child Rapists? Burglars? Traitors? Enemies of your state?

Which does not explain why it is OK to stone your wife to death in accordance to God's Bible, if you suspect her of having committed adultery- which is a violation of God's Commandment #7.

Which by the way, suggests to me that whoever wrote the 10 commandments- WAS A MAN! Because there is no such Bible verse that OK's stoning one's husband to death- if he is suspected of having adulterous affairs! So GOD has some double standards and must have been some kind of a MISOGYNIST.

I mean, EVE got the blame for committing the very first sin! Women are the weak sex and can be tempted by evil. Women were created from a man's rib. yanno? It was not Lot, but Lot's wife, the weaker sex, that turned around to look at the rape taking place at Lot's house, and God turned her into stone?

The Bible is filled with verse that suggests men are superior to women.


God did not create man or women OR ANYTHING ELSE.

Men created GOD and the 10 commandments!


And my message to GOD- If you are listening- "Don't give me a brain- if you do not want me to be able to use it for logic and reasoning and think things out for myself"!
I didn't think that I was a new anything,

but it turns our that I fit the description of the New Atheist.

Good for me!!!

I think the New Atheists thought of themselves as openly and publically confrontational with religion. And furthermore, like Marx, Freud, and Lenin before them, they considered religion not just to be foolish and irrational but actively harmful to humanity