
If I wished to acquire understanding about these phenomena, however,
I am unaware of an alternate source beyond science,
largely because I've personally witnessed no credible alternative sources.

Every time I make a hopeless attempt at sorting these things out,
all which I can imagine
is the completely random confluence of sub-atomic particles.

That's a stretch too, but it's the best I can do.

That's me, of course.
I cannot know what others may have experienced.

To me, science provides a certain type of knowledge, but it doesn't provide understanding or purpose.

I just think the overwhelming majority of actions and deeds we take as humans, the wisdom and knowledge we acquire through experience, intuition, self reflection do not require the use of integral calculus or particle physics.
I only care when it affects my life

People can live however they wish

Good. Me too, but I take it a step further by supporting Americans who are being denied their unalienable rights. It's not altruistic, just a matter of survival. People who advocate violence against other Americans or seek to break both laws and government are, IMHO, "enemies of the Constitution". In this forum, they are primarily domestic enemies.

Pastor Martin Niemöller's famous "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a socialist" poem points out the necessity of society to stand together against tyranny and other assholes.

For those who forget, Pastor Niemöller was a Lutheran Pastor who initially supported Hitler then realized what a brutal fucking asshole the Fuhrer turned out be. By speaking out against Hitler's brutality and government of hate, Pastor Niemöller spent about 6 years in Nazi concentration camps.
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Good. Me too, but I take it a step further by supporting Americans who are being denied their unalienable rights. It's not altruistic, just a matter of survival. People who advocate violence against other Americans or seek to break both laws and government are, IMHO, "enemies of the Constitution". In this forum, they are primarily domestic enemies.

Pastor Martin Niemöller's famous "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a socialist" poem points out the necessity of society to stand together against tyranny and other assholes.

For those who forget, Pastor Niemöller was a Lutheran Pastor who initially supported Hitler then realized what a brutal fucking asshole the Fuhrer turned out be. By speaking out against Hitler's brutality and government of hate, Pastor Niemöller spent about 6 years in Nazi concentration camps.

They have the same rights as anyone else

The problem is they want more rights because of who they prefer to sleep with

They are not more important than any other American
They have the same rights as anyone else

The problem is they want more rights because of who they prefer to sleep with

They are not more important than any other American


Who? What "more rights" do they want?

Agreed. No one should be above the law and the law should apply fairly to everyone.
Scientism: Unlike the use of the scientific method as only one mode of reaching knowledge, scientism claims that science alone can render truth about the world and reality. Scientism's single-minded adherence to only the empirical, or testable, makes it a strictly scientifc worldview. Scientism sees it necessary to do away with most, if not all, metaphysical, philosophical, and religious claims, as the truths they proclaim cannot be apprehended by the scientific method. In essence, scientism sees science as the absolute and only justifiable access to the truth.

Scientism is the opinion that science and the scientific method are the best or only way to render truth about the world and reality. the use of the,about the world and reality.

Why didn't you use scientology? Oh it is a copyrighted trademark by famous people.
...and because it's completely different, dumbass.

Since when is intellectual speculation same as evolving in plain sight each brain has to navigate living in series parallel time displaced here now since conceived replacing their 4 previous generation by specific 30 DNA donors called 16 great great grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 4 grandparents, 2 parenting each arrival replacing them all eventually or not dying before adding another generation gap pf people never same form shaped since inception of the species native to this enclosed atmosphere?
Since when is intellectual speculation same as evolving in plain sight each brain has to navigate living in series parallel time displaced here now since conceived replacing their 4 previous generation by specific 30 DNA donors called 16 great great grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 4 grandparents, 2 parenting each arrival replacing them all eventually or not dying before adding another generation gap pf people never same form shaped since inception of the species native to this enclosed atmosphere?

The fact you flip-flop back and forth from coherency to incoherency tells me you're a sock puppet fool, just another dishonest Trumper. Your pattern doesn't fit that of schizophrenic like Sybil.
The fact you flip-flop back and forth from coherency to incoherency tells me you're a sock puppet fool, just another dishonest Trumper. Your pattern doesn't fit that of schizophrenic like Sybil.

You accuse everyone else of your own practicing tactics and there is a reason for that, you are as corrupted as every other ideology you oppose working the same way to cover up what every alternate reality does saving humanities historically and current events.

Intellectual circle logic repeated every generation are not completed ancestral cycles lived to date leaving their biological replacements still evolving mutually timed apart now.
You accuse everyone else of your own practicing tactics and there is a reason for that, you are as corrupted as every other ideology you oppose working the same way to cover up what every alternate reality does saving humanities historically and current events.

Intellectual circle logic repeated every generation are not completed ancestral cycles lived to date leaving their biological replacements still evolving mutually timed apart now.
QED. You fuck up when you drop the insanity act and post coherently....usually when you are angry. Typical of Trumper dumbasses. LOL
QED. You fuck up when you drop the insanity act and post coherently....usually when you are angry. Typical of Trumper dumbasses. LOL

what is the common interpretation of insanity that actually mirrors the punishment in Eternal Hell after death?

Doing the same thing over and over or generation after generation ignoring compounding chromosomes never stay same ancestors twice historically or current events living evolves changing total sum here constantly replacing previous generations with completely different ancestors forward one ata time now.

Please bring forth the thermodynamic principles of physical movements to objects occupying time here now? Context promotes tomorrow's possibilities, while genetics maintains the numbers speculating life exceeds evolving in plain sight now. never has, never will. kinetics vs static ideas by ancestors never same population twice.

Need me to list all my evolving accomplishments every other human endures since conceived regardless male, female, race, creed, color, national, origin, etc. conceived by 2 parents added by 4 grandparents, added from 8 great grandparents, and they arrived conceived by 16 great great grandparents. I arrived a fertilized cell that became a zygote, embryo, fetus, infant after birth, adolescent, puberty, teen, adult, 1of 2 parents, adding another generation, that one sibling grew up making me a grandpa.

How did you evolve from a fertilized cell? Bet it was adapting to space for the time you remain here now. Separate ancestor, same space different geographical experiences. Been going forward this way now as it has since inception of the chromosomes sustaining numbers in the atmosphere.

Kinetic specificity to numbers between each rotation regardless the social order they lived and died pretending now isn't eternity.

the original sin, denying why one was added to life here now.