
Po', po', lil' Perry.

Gosh Doc, seriously, you seem to be off your game. Your usual childish memes seem more strident today (go ahead and google all the words you didn't understand).

I suspect you got caught doing something you shouldn't oughta and you feel you should take it out on someone. LOL. That's hilarious that you are so bent.
Look who's bent. LOL

Doc, slow your are looking like you have some "issues" to deal with. I know you are obsessed with me, but give it a break.

Or how about making some bets with your buddies, Cyprissy and FoulWomb. That should set you right again.
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Today, 03:02 PM
Doc, slow your are looking like you have some "issues" to deal with. I know you are obsessed with me, but give it a break.

Or how about making some bets with your buddies, Cyprissy and FoulWomb. That should set you right again.
Last edited by LiAlSi2O6; Today at 03:17 PM.

You've developed a pattern, Perry. It piques my curiosity that you keep rethinking yourself. Why aren't you more self-assured?
Today, 03:02 PMLast edited by LiAlSi2O6; Today at 03:17 PM.

You've developed a pattern, Perry. It piques my curiosity that you keep rethinking yourself. Why aren't you more self-assured?

I correct typos, Doc. Why does this concern you so?
I correct typos, Doc.

Why does this concern you so?
Most people correct within a few minutes, not 15 minutes or later, Perry. This isn't the first time nor even the second.

Abbie Normals interest me. I'm curious about your little path through life, Perry. :thup:

Most people correct within a few minutes, not 15 minutes or later, Perry. This isn't the first time nor even the second.

Abbie Normals interest me. I'm curious about your little path through life, Perry. :thup:

A) You are creepy as fuck to be obsessing on the time stamps of my edits
B) I often don't re-read or notice a typo for quite some time
C) What the fuck is wrong with you?
A) You are creepy as fuck to be obsessing on the time stamps of my edits
B) I often don't re-read or notice a typo for quite some time
C) What the fuck is wrong with you?

A) Perry the Pervert calling others "creepy". :rofl2:
B) Because of your mental issues? Or because you rethought posting something that would get you temp banned, Perry, like all the Prince Andrew pictures?
C) I'm curious about mentally ill people such as yourself, Perry. You and I both know you have "issues", but only you know the exact nature of those issues. I'm simply trying to puzzle them out by your actions and reactions. So far, I think bipolarism is the most likely cause of your problems and why your geochem career became a train wreck.
A) Perry the Pervert calling others "creepy". :rofl2:
B) Because of your mental issues? Or because you rethought posting something that would get you temp banned, Perry, like all the Prince Andrew pictures?
C) I'm curious about mentally ill people such as yourself, Perry. You and I both know you have "issues", but only you know the exact nature of those issues. I'm simply trying to puzzle them out by your actions and reactions. So far, I think bipolarism is the most likely cause of your problems and why your geochem career became a train wreck.

I'm genuinely curious about your mental illness. You really do seem to have something wrong with you. You post non-stop all day and all night on this forum as if you have zero else in your life. And you are abusive as fuck to everyone except Cypress and FoulWomb. You are a non-stop hate machine.

You are also AMAZINGLY stupid to put so much personal information online. It's almost as if you want everyone to see you so I assume you feel unseen in your real life and this forum has become your existence.

I feel sorry for your wife. She has to live with a hate-machine who likes to bet on really unappealing things that would turn the stomach of a normal person and you are constantly on this forum.

You really paint a picture of a fractal loser.
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I'm genuinely curious about your mental illness. You really do seem to have something wrong with you. You post non-stop all day and all night on this forum as if you have zero else in your life. And you are abusive as fuck to everyone except Cypress and FoulWomb. You are a non-stop hate machine.

You are also AMAZINGLY stupid to put so much personal information online. It's almost as if you want everyone to see you so I assume you feel unseen in your real life and this forum has become your existence.

I feel sorry for your wife. She has to live with a hate-machine who likes to bet on really unappealing things that would turn the stomach of a normal person and you are constantly on this forum.

You really paint a picture of a fractal loser.
What does a bipolar victim think is wrong with me, Perry?

What personal information have I put on line that you think is "AMAZINGLY stupid"?

My wife thinks I'm fun, knowledgeable and solidly reliable. She knows I don't hate anyone much less the mentally ill or sick sexual perverts like you, Perry the Perv.

Your fantasy insults are interesting, Perry. What is a "fractal loser"? Is that something you learned in finger-painting class?

Thanks for deleting the 12B insult. I'd hate to see you get banned again.
What does a bipolar victim think is wrong with me, Perry?

Geez, add "illiterate" into the mix. I already explained it to you.

What personal information have I put on line that you think is "AMAZINGLY stupid"?

Let's just say enough that someone with minimal effort could find you IRL. Seriously dude, take down your extensive description of you military career and your photograph of your Troy diploma as well as your photo of yourself with your cat and your last name. Your military ID has your rank and pay grade. All of that can be used by bad actors.

Seriously dude, you act like you're in your 70's and not quite familiar with how bad online can be.

My wife thinks I'm fun

Does she approve your bets?

Your fantasy insults are interesting, Perry. What is a "fractal loser"?

no matter how closely you look at it, you are a loser at all levels.

Thanks for deleting the 12B insult. I'd hate to see you get banned again.

What 12b insults are you talking about?
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What 12b insults are you talking about?

Remember those helo pilot pictures you deleted then denied deleting them, Perry? Yeah, me too. :laugh:

Let's just say enough that someone with minimal effort could find you IRL. Seriously dude, take down your extensive description of you military career and your photograph of your Troy diploma as well as your photo of yourself with your cat and your last name. Your military ID has your rank and pay grade. All of that can be used by bad actors.
You mean the career and degrees you claim I made up? :rofl2:

I welcome a you and any other nutjob to track me down and violate half a dozen federal and state laws for targeting a retired officer and elderly Texan. Seriously. Do it. I'd love to see you in court being sentenced. :)