Your proud ignorance is at times astounding! I'll try and give you an summarized education point for point:
1. The withdrawal was negotiated by your Cheeto Jeezus due to the FACT that we were there for over 16 years with no clear signs of "winning" (whatever the hell that meant). Afghanistan is a sovereign nation who for better or worse had a gov't before and after 9-11. Being an occupying foreign army in a COUNTRY THAT DID NOT ATTACK US eventually doesn't set well with the locals. To his credit, Cheeto Jeezus saw the situation as a costly (money and lives) situation that couldn't be sustained or supported by the UN of which both countries are a member of. And as recent history shows, Bin Ladin had long ago left the country (allegedly nailed under the Obama admn. in Pakistan).
2. The Taliban to date has NOT initiated any terrorist aggression towards the US borders or military abroad. Their repressive actions in Afghanistan have been closely monitored over the years for any moves outside the borders.
3. Since ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Taliban are all ideologically opposed to each other (a matter of fact & history), it is unlikely for the two to set up shop in Afghanistan. If you have any information to the contrary, please post it as I would genuinely be interested.