You support a man who sleeps with porn stars

What the elites who constantly sneer at us and lie to us and abuse us as they burn America to the ground fail to comprehend (being abusive morons is their a universe where stupid hurts) is that Trump is better than what we usually get.
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If there is anyone out there who is better than Trump then step right up, we could certainly use your help.
You seem to have issues staying focused on what I posted. Read. Get informed. Grow up. Then, shut up!
translation: I put RB60's bullshit into historical perspective, thus rendering it useless. He'll never admit it, so he'll just blow smoke and repetition. But the honest, objective reader will see his folly.
That's one hell of a bullshit story. Fuck those college kids, let them learn to pay their bills.
Then, you move the goalposts to Jan 6, which is irrelevant to what I posted.
You "deconstructed" nothing. Not one damn thing.
In short, you're a babbling fool and you hate this country.
I'll be voting for Trump (if he's the nominee). You child, can kiss my white American ass.
And once again the chronology of the posts makes RB60 out to be a liar. He can't logically or factually disprove one item of what I posted. so he just stamps his widdle feet, spits and rails against college kids in debt. Then there's the old intellectually impotent MAGA come back when faced with facts they can't handle, "you hate this country". :rolleyes:

Voter's for Trump must like their white American asses being used as door mats for a second time. A pity.
You can kiss your own ass, RB ... given your head is so far up it. Carry on.

RB60 = really boring 60 year old.
And once again the chronology of the posts makes RB60 out to be a liar. He can't logically or factually disprove one item of what I posted. so he just stamps his widdle feet, spits and rails against college kids in debt. Then there's the old intellectually impotent MAGA come back when faced with facts they can't handle, "you hate this country". :rolleyes:

Voter's for Trump must like their white American asses being used as door mats for a second time. A pity.
You can kiss your own ass, RB ... given your head is so far up it. Carry on.

RB60 = really boring 60 year old.
But look at how thin your life seems to run.
translation: I put RB60's bullshit into historical perspective, thus rendering it useless. He'll never admit it, so he'll just blow smoke and repetition. But the honest, objective reader will see his folly.
Mr. Prodigy, it's rather amusing to see you get bitchslapped all the time on this forum, yet you're too stupid to see it. Lol!
Mr. Prodigy, it's rather amusing to see you get bitchslapped all the time on this forum, yet you're too stupid to see it. Lol!
As the reader can see, when RB60 can't win a debate on merit or prove his point in a discussion using logic, he just babbles and gets an approving smile from the fool he sees in the mirror. Once I've reduced his like to this level, I move on and let them have the last repetition or false allegation or tantrum throwing insult.
For your education:

The Afghan gov't told The Shrub (G.W. Bush) that they knew where Bin Ladin was holed up, and they would deliver him on the condition that he be tried in the Hague (International Court). The Shrub rebuffed the offer, sent in the troops.

16 years later, Trump negotiates a withdrawal time line with the Afghan gov't.

4 years later, Biden honors the agreement ... and is subsequently lambasted by the right wing media, punditry and politicos for "causing" a disaster.

Question: WTF did you think was going to happen regardless of when the withdrawal took place?
Why was there a withdrawal at all and more to the point why was Baghram handed back? The Taliban have quickly gone back to their old ways, hanging and flogging and denying girls an education. All was predicted and has come to pass. How long before AQ and/or ISIS return?
Why was there a withdrawal at all and more to the point why was Baghram handed back? The Taliban have quickly gone back to their old ways, hanging and flogging and denying girls an education. All was predicted and has come to pass. How long before AQ and/or ISIS return?
The Taliban expected to be recognized as the legitimate Afghan leadership - having kicked Western ass, just as they did the Russians- but the West reneged . Once again the Great Satan was proven to comprise infidels. The Brits abandoned their Afghan collaborators - even their military translators- and your Bozo Johnson airlifted DOGS AND THEIR KEEPERS rather than anti-Taliban Afghans.
You are a wormtongue, maggot, like your scurrilous government.
As the reader can see, when RB60 can't win a debate on merit or prove his point in a discussion using logic, he just babbles and gets an approving smile from the fool he sees in the mirror. Once I've reduced his like to this level, I move on and let them have the last repetition or false allegation or tantrum throwing insult.
Assumption of victory fallacy. Argument of the Stone fallacy. Discard of logic. Insult fallacies. Fallacy fallacy. Inversion fallacy.

You can't blame your problems on RB60 or anybody else.
Why was there a withdrawal at all and more to the point why was Baghram handed back? The Taliban have quickly gone back to their old ways, hanging and flogging and denying girls an education. All was predicted and has come to pass. How long before AQ and/or ISIS return?
:rolleyes: Your proud ignorance is at times astounding! I'll try and give you an summarized education point for point:

1. The withdrawal was negotiated by your Cheeto Jeezus due to the FACT that we were there for over 16 years with no clear signs of "winning" (whatever the hell that meant). Afghanistan is a sovereign nation who for better or worse had a gov't before and after 9-11. Being an occupying foreign army in a COUNTRY THAT DID NOT ATTACK US eventually doesn't set well with the locals. To his credit, Cheeto Jeezus saw the situation as a costly (money and lives) situation that couldn't be sustained or supported by the UN of which both countries are a member of. And as recent history shows, Bin Ladin had long ago left the country (allegedly nailed under the Obama admn. in Pakistan).

2. The Taliban to date has NOT initiated any terrorist aggression towards the US borders or military abroad. Their repressive actions in Afghanistan have been closely monitored over the years for any moves outside the borders.

3. Since ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Taliban are all ideologically opposed to each other (a matter of fact & history), it is unlikely for the two to set up shop in Afghanistan. If you have any information to the contrary, please post it as I would genuinely be interested.