Harris Sees Her First 538 National Polling Lead

If your side thinks you can convince the voters that the abomination, Trump, is a better choice than Kamala Harris...go for it. Give it your best shot. There are many on our side who will enjoy watching "the emptying of the Pacific Ocean using a teaspoon" that will entail.

The question is no longer the former or future competency of Harris (or any other candidate the Democrats might have settled on), but rather the fact that the Republican Party has stuck with the abomination, Trump.

You lose that contest hands down. The hatred and bile necessary for that to prevail simply does not exist in the amount you people apparently think it does.
I haven't a side. I won't be voting for Trump. What my point was (and what I said that you quoted) is this: Things she said while running for President are what she believes, 4 years later they have "changed" without explanation. If those who want Trump to win cannot get that to matter (get that elephant in the room angry) then it will continue to be ignored by a complacent and co-conspiratorial leftist mainstream media.
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I haven't a side.
I suspect you do. I suspect your side is...not the Democrat.

I acknowledge that I may be wrong, but reading what you write leads me in that direction.

I won't be voting for Trump.

Neither will I.

What my point was (and what I said that you quoted) is this: Things she said while running for President are what she believes, 4 years later they have "changed" without explanation.

Imagine that!

There are politicians that change positions from week to week. It is in the nature of a politician who feels he/she has something to contribute to society...TO GET ELECTED. THAT is mission number one. And if it means changing positions when it is expeditious to do so...THEY WILL DO IT.

Everyone realizes that...or should realize it if they want to discuss politics.

If those who want Trump to win cannot get that to matter (get that elephant in the room angry) then it will continue to be ignored by a complacent and co-conspiratorial leftist mainstream media.
Okay...perhaps. But reporting that a politician has changed a position significantly is like reporting that the sun will rise in the east and set in the west.

I take your point though, Damo...and concede it.
If your side thinks you can convince the voters that the abomination, Trump, is a better choice than Kamala Harris...go for it. Give it your best shot. There are many on our side who will enjoy watching "the emptying of the Pacific Ocean using a teaspoon" that will entail.

The question is no longer the former or future competency of Harris (or any other candidate the Democrats might have settled on), but rather the fact that the Republican Party has stuck with the abomination, Trump.

You lose that contest hands down. The hatred and bile necessary for that to prevail simply does not exist in the amount you people apparently think it does.
Russia and China will try to help them in any way the can

They love Trump ideas like terminating the constitution and becoming a dictator on day one

No real American would vote for a person who said that out loud
Possibly you don't know much about trial lawyers. I do. Harris' fluency in speech and quickness on the uptake propelled her to the top prosecutor position in San Francisco, then to Attorney General. Will be nice if you jerks insist on underestimating her.
you make me laugh

all the memes are going crazy making fun of how bad she is at public speaking. she is really bad at it. hence her hiding and letting the media play interference for her
Trump just keeps losing elections

He will lose yet again
Well I guess it's time to cancel the election. The cackling whore has it in the bag now because you said so and a couple of your nitwit brethren seconded it.

I need to learn a second language as English has left me wanting for words to describe how unpleasant and useless you people are.
I suspect you do. I suspect your side is...not the Democrat.

I acknowledge that I may be wrong, but reading what you write leads me in that direction.
Not the Trump too...

Neither will I.

Imagine that!

There are politicians that change positions from week to week. It is in the nature of a politician who feels he/she has something to contribute to society...TO GET ELECTED. THAT is mission number one. And if it means changing positions when it is expeditious to do so...THEY WILL DO IT.

Everyone realizes that...or should realize it if they want to discuss politics.

Okay...perhaps. But reporting that a politician has changed a position significantly is like reporting that the sun will rise in the east and set in the west.

I take your point though, Damo...and concede it.
Changing their positions is different than what the subject is here. This is running away from positions of the past, even to the point of pretending that she was never in charge of things she was in charge of, and that she never said some of the things she said. If the republicans fail to poke the elephant (introduce a mouse if this was a cartoon) it is possible the elephant won't matter. If they are able to introduce the mouse (so to speak), it will significantly affect her run for the Presidency (no cash bail for instance).

Anyway, I really do not have a dog in this fight any longer. I don't want either of the two (one of which will win) to win. I think we all lose regardless of which of these two get into office.
I suspect you do. I suspect your side is...not the Democrat.
That's my side too. I loath the do nothing republicans but am so sickened by the modern democrat party there is no choice but to hold my nose and pull the red rope.

I would vote today for Bill Clinton if we could turn back time. GW was despicable and led to the race baiter Obama. Who was so shamelessly corrupt Trump had a void to fill. And here we are.
She's going to have to eventually give interviews... Her first off the cuff remark at the airport last night did not go well.... It's fruit salad time again... And she's flipping on every policy... She's just not presidential material...at all... Plus she doesn't deserve the nomination...considering what she's done... I have no respect for her at all...zero... How could anyone who cares about the future of our country even consider voting for her? When it comes to the choice of hurt feelings or a country divided and destroyed I'll take hurt feelings every time...
When was the last time don-OLD gave a presser?
The lead based on averaging recent polls is 1.5 percent, within the margin of error resulting in 538 treating the race as tied. In the most recent poll, taken yesterday, the Harris lead is five per cent, a number outside the margin. This poll, by RMG Management, is interesting for its large sample size (3,000 instead of the typical 1,500) and for the polling company's ownership by Scott Rasmussen, who owned the former Rasmussen Poll known for its Republican tilt. Rasmussen was the only national poll that on the day before the 2008 election picked Romney to defeat Obama.

Yes, a couple of weeks ago, The TRUMPTARDS among us said they believed in POLLS!

Now, they are saying the POLLS are inaccurate and unimportant!

Isn't this fun?
When was the last time don-OLD gave a presser?
He tried to give one at the NBJA just the other day, but he couldn't get his foot out of his mouth and so everyone left laughing and circling their pointer finger around and around their ears like- "That Man is Crazy"!
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Was that a presser? Maybe, I guess I am talking about a deal where the general press is invited.
IMHO, you should give the man credit for showing up at a venue that was very likely (and proved) to be unfriendly to him, taking questions from reporters there... Pretending he hasn't been in the news and taking the tough questions is absurd in light of that visit to the NABJ.
She does?
She does...have you seen anything since she stole the nomination? Except for the airport word salad? She forget that was being recorded... She was too afraid to go in front of the Black Journalists...how odd, right? ;)
IMHO, you should give the man credit for showing up at a venue that was very likely (and proved) to be unfriendly to him, taking questions from reporters there... Pretending he hasn't been in the news and taking the tough questions is absurd in light of that visit to the NABJ.
I would agree, except he went in with the clear intention to refuse to answer any questions.

One of his stragities is to get the focus back on himself by being an ass. I think it backfired this time.
you make me laugh

all the memes are going crazy making fun of how bad she is at public speaking. she is really bad at it. hence her hiding and letting the media play interference for her
All which "memes"? I have a feeling you don't think much.
I would agree, except he went in with the clear intention to refuse to answer any questions.

One of his stragities is to get the focus back on himself by being an ass. I think it backfired this time.
His established "clear" intention. He ignores a question entirely and utters his prepared boast or insult.
She does...have you seen anything since she stole the nomination? Except for the airport word salad? She forget that was being recorded... She was too afraid to go in front of the Black Journalists...how odd, right? ;)
Tell me what she has turned down? Also Trump accepts every presser he is asked to do?