Prepare yourselves, it appears a damning video of Trump groping a teen at a dinner with donors is on video and will be released soon.


Let It Burn!

Prepare yourselves, it appears a damning video of Trump groping a teen at a dinner with donors is on video and will be released soon.​

Lots of rumor and innuendo as to what is actually on the video, but multiple journalists are confirming that they have been approached to release said video.


Prepare yourselves, it appears a damning video of Trump groping a teen at a dinner with donors is on video and will be released soon.​

Lots of rumor and innuendo as to what is actually on the video, but multiple journalists are confirming that they have been approached to release said video.


Is this the promised "October surprise"? It won't make any difference. MAGATs will vote for him even if a video comes out showing him slicing up puppies or tossing living babies into a bonfire. That's how far gone they are.

Prepare yourselves, it appears a damning video of Trump groping a teen at a dinner with donors is on video and will be released soon.​

Lots of rumor and innuendo as to what is actually on the video, but multiple journalists are confirming that they have been approached to release said video.

Sounds like a Fox prime time breaking news fabrication
It will mean nothing. They all know what kind of person Trump is, and do not care. Groping young girls means nothing to them. Trump is a liar, a felon, corrupt as hell and they know it and do not care. It is called winning.
I like groping young girls as an 18th birthday gift.
You still are a sick fuck. Get help. I bet you are on that neighborhood list.
No actually I'm on neighborhood watch. We are very diligent about watching out for pedophiles. They are a sick bunch that need to be punished.

The law is the law and needs to be followed strictly.