I am tire of hearing trump run down our great nation.

America is the greatest nation to have ever existed. We can improve, but we are GREAT.
We are better than we have ever been and we must strive to be even greater.

For him to run us down is shameful.
He wants things to change...He knows we need change...We want things to change...We are not better than we have ever been...you know that.
We do strive to be greater....well, many of us do...
And things will improve, but not if she's elected...
He wants things to change...He knows we need change...We want things to change...We are not better than we have ever been...you know that.
We do strive to be greater....well, many of us do...
And things will improve, but not if she's elected...
trump has been running down this country since his first inauguration when he used the words "American carnage." He did nothing to improve the country; he just styled himself into a shepherd who was able to get the attention of thousands of gullible sheep.
America is the greatest nation to have ever existed. We can improve, but we are GREAT.
We are better than we have ever been and we must strive to be even greater.

For him to run us down is shameful.
I'm tired of Democrats tearing down our great nation. Trump wants to make America great again.
The great decline started under the Trojan Horse President.
We need change, and Kam and her handlers are not the one who can even begin to do that...
History will not treat them kindly...and it could not happen to a more deserving group...
The last 4 years have been awful...4 more years and we would never recover...
He wants things to change...He knows we need change...We want things to change...We are not better than we have ever been...you know that.
We do strive to be greater....well, many of us do...
And things will improve, but not if she's elected...
I know that we are better than we have ever been.

I want change. I do not trust him with any change, he is a liar and an egomaniac and he believes he is better and more important than anyone else.

I do not want change at the cost of Democracy, or the Constitution or in a way that results in an all powerful "president" who is immune from all criminal or civil liability. I want respect for all people in our nation.

I do not want fascism or the pervasive idea that men should have authority over women or a generational class of wealth regardless of worth.
I'm tired of Democrats tearing down our great nation. Trump wants to make America great again.
The great decline started under the Trojan Horse President.
I am not tearing it down, I am saying its the greatest nation that has ever been.

Trump is saying its not great, its the theme of his campaign.
It is well past time for America to face reality....We became Evil and we are crashing, the two are connected.
We need change, and Kam and her handlers are not the one who can even begin to do that...
History will not treat them kindly...and it could not happen to a more deserving group...
The last 4 years have been awful...4 more years and we would never recover...
Change from and toward what?

If you mean toward universal healthcare, affordable higher education, and more protections for workers and consumers,
I'll readily agree.

But what you apparently mean, TOP, is Project 2025.
And that is Hitler's fascism reborn in America.
How do you think history will treat that?

The immigration thing seems to be a big issue.
The entire American South West was stolen from Mexico.
Brown skinned Latino people have more moral right to move into there than you and I do.

Deregulation seems to be the other big one.
Corporations require the right to exploit workers, bilk consumers, and destroy the environment in every way they can conceive.
These are the classic Republican values.

If I actually believed in Heaven, I would strive to find my way there.
That's one place one could go and NEVER encounter a Republican.
I know that we are better than we have ever been.

I want change. I do not trust him with any change, he is a liar and an egomaniac and he believes he is better and more important than anyone else.

I do not want change at the cost of Democracy, or the Constitution or in a way that results in an all powerful "president" who is immune from all criminal or civil liability. I want respect for all people in our nation.

I do not want fascism or the pervasive idea that men should have authority over women or a generational claealth regardless of worth.
That is simply not true...or Joe would be on the ticket... You just described Kam...and she is not there for any of us...unless you want an easy abortion...;)
America is the greatest nation to have ever existed. We can improve, but we are GREAT.
We are better than we have ever been and we must strive to be even greater.

For him to run us down is shameful.
I am sick of him and them running our great nation down.
I'm tired of Democrats tearing down our great nation. Trump wants to make America great again.
The great decline started under the Trojan Horse President.

You seem to have a typical Trumper low level of intelligence. America is in a "great decline"; America needs to be made "great again"; and then America is "a great nation" you are sick of hearing Democrats tear down.
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He wants things to change...He knows we need change...We want things to change...We are not better than we have ever been...you know that.
We do strive to be greater....well, many of us do...
And things will improve, but not if she's elected...

Things will improve once you all are able to round up the "vermin" and deport all of them. Things will improve when you tack on a 100% increase to the cost of goods with tariffs. Things will improve when there are more guns on the street. Things will improve when women learn their "proper place" in the order of things. Things will improve when the "enemy within" is silenced. Things will improve when...

In that glorious future day we will all celebrate for the New Utopia that your movement ushers in. Probably so good we will simply dispense with future elections (as Trump already promised the evangelicals).