Retired Teacher
I do not mean "project 2025", whatever that is...I'm marked safe from knowing that's real...Change from and toward what?
If you mean toward universal healthcare, affordable higher education, and more protections for workers and consumers,
I'll readily agree.
But what you apparently mean, TOP, is Project 2025.
And that is Hitler's fascism reborn in America.
How do you think history will treat that?
The immigration thing seems to be a big issue.
The entire American South West was stolen from Mexico.
Brown skinned Latino people have more moral right to move into there than you and I do.
Deregulation seems to be the other big one.
Corporations require the right to exploit workers, bilk consumers, and destroy the environment in every way they can conceive.
These are the classic Republican values.
If I actually believed in Heaven, I would strive to find my way there.
That's one place one could go and NEVER encounter a Republican.
Heaven's you can count on that...unless you've done something I don't know about... but I'll pray extra hard for us all...
The Hitler claim is just absurd, btw...
Immigration is a big is the economy... healthcare is a is education..I would absolutely love to see teacher's unions completely reformed...

We shall see...
The grill is hot, so enjoy the rest of your's beautiful here...