I am tire of hearing trump run down our great nation.

Change from and toward what?

If you mean toward universal healthcare, affordable higher education, and more protections for workers and consumers,
I'll readily agree.

But what you apparently mean, TOP, is Project 2025.
And that is Hitler's fascism reborn in America.
How do you think history will treat that?

The immigration thing seems to be a big issue.
The entire American South West was stolen from Mexico.
Brown skinned Latino people have more moral right to move into there than you and I do.

Deregulation seems to be the other big one.
Corporations require the right to exploit workers, bilk consumers, and destroy the environment in every way they can conceive.
These are the classic Republican values.

If I actually believed in Heaven, I would strive to find my way there.
That's one place one could go and NEVER encounter a Republican.
I do not mean "project 2025", whatever that is...I'm marked safe from knowing that's real...
Heaven's real...so you can count on that...unless you've done something I don't know about... but I'll pray extra hard for us all...
The Hitler claim is just absurd, btw...
Immigration is a big issue...so is the economy... healthcare is a concern...so is education..I would absolutely love to see teacher's unions completely reformed...;)
We shall see...
The grill is hot, so enjoy the rest of your evening...it's beautiful here...
America is the greatest nation to have ever existed. We can improve, but we are GREAT.
We are better than we have ever been and we must strive to be even greater.

For him to run us down is shameful.
Is that anything like when MOOCHelle Obama said the first time she was ever proud of her country was the day her Husband became President?
Is that anything like when MOOCHelle Obama said the first time she was ever proud of her country was the day her Husband became President?
Not just that, but we have been told by power for over a decade that America is irredeemably bad.

These fuckers make the shit up as they go, what ever narrative they think is good for the Revolution today is what they put out.
America is the greatest nation to have ever existed. We can improve, but we are GREAT.
We are better than we have ever been and we must strive to be even greater.

For him to run us down is shameful.
U know Michelle Obama was not proud of this nation before 2008
That America is irredeemably bad is why Old America had to die is what we have been told over and over again.

But the WOKE Death Cult does not believe in consistency.
Is that anything like when MOOCHelle Obama said the first time she was ever proud of her country was the day her Husband became President?
No, that was a stupid comment. I did not agree with her.
America is the greatest nation to have ever existed. We can improve, but we are GREAT.
We are better than we have ever been and we must strive to be even greater.

For him to run us down is shameful.
Turn off all your media and go to work for a change.
I am sick of him and them running our great nation down.
How about the 1619 Project folks and the idea that America was founded on slavery and white supremacy and that America is driven largely by white supremacy and anyone claiming America is the greatest nation only does so in support of white supremacy.

Are you sick of those type of folks as well? Because there are plenty of them who will take issue with your (xenophobic?) America is the greatest and I’m sick of anyone saying otherwise rhetoric.
America is the greatest nation to have ever existed. We can improve, but we are GREAT.
We are better than we have ever been and we must strive to be even greater.

For him to run us down is shameful.
I'm tired of it too, but his supporters these racist motherfuckers who can afford Trump's overly priced shit, THANKS TO WAGE INCREASES, who always seem to make it to all his Klan rallies, THANKS TO GAS PRICES DECREASING who drive home to comfortable homes each night, THANKS TO WHITE PEOPLE GETTING LOW INTEREST LOANS all seem to glorify and accept that this country is a shit ho. AND ALL THESE SAME BASTARDS WILL GO BAT SHIT CRAZY SHOULD THE FEDERAL GOV. IE TRUMP SHOULD HE WIN....TRY AND RUN THEIR LIVES....NEED TO REVIST THE COVID ERA....SO WHY THEY'RE SUPPORTING TRUMP THE FACIST ONLY GOD KNOWS.
bACK in 2015 a Reveren Wright said some anti american shit and the right wing bastards crucified not just him but Obama also for having known the man...yet these same bitches seem to glorify Trump's hatred of this country, hatred of our constitution, our military, every gotdamn thing but white boys and trashy white whores!!
It’s interesting, our Mayor in SF is up for reelection. The issues/challenges we face here are pretty well known. The Mayor is a Democrat as is all her competition.

Two of her top opponents have argued S.F. is best city in the country but is in horrible shape it’s in because of the current Mayor. This why we need change to bring it back to its former glory.

Seeing as polling shows the Mayor currently behind, that argument seems to be resonating but it’s an interesting debate - if you love the City should you not acknowledge its struggles?
I know that we are better than we have ever been.

I want change. I do not trust him with any change, he is a liar and an egomaniac and he believes he is better and more important than anyone else.

I do not want change at the cost of Democracy, or the Constitution or in a way that results in an all powerful "president" who is immune from all criminal or civil liability. I want respect for all people in our nation.

I do not want fascism or the pervasive idea that men should have authority over women or a generational class of wealth regardless of worth.
Take a breath fat man. FFS you would think Trump doesn't have a track record the way you idiots are panicked. Everything is going to be alright, rockabye.
bACK in 2015 a Reveren Wright said some anti american shit and the right wing bastards crucified not just him but Obama also for having known the man...yet these same bitches seem to glorify Trump's hatred of this country, hatred of our constitution, our military, every gotdamn thing but white boys and trashy white whores!!
Wright is no reverend. He's a racist piece of shit activist bitch.
Things will improve once you all are able to round up the "vermin" and deport all of them. Things will improve when you tack on a 100% increase to the cost of goods with tariffs. Things will improve when there are more guns on the street. Things will improve when women learn their "proper place" in the order of things. Things will improve when the "enemy within" is silenced. Things will improve when...

In that glorious future day we will all celebrate for the New Utopia that your movement ushers in. Probably so good we will simply dispense with future elections (as Trump already promised the evangelicals).
Breathe in, breathe out. Relax Gaslight. Sadly all those things you are crying about won't happen.