I am tire of hearing trump run down our great nation.

Well they are arguing otherwise as do those who choose not to celebrate the 4th of July because America is a racist country.

I would love to see more liberals share your belief that America is the greatest nation on earth and be upset if anyone argues otherwise. But I think your position is simply one of opposing Trump and you wouldn’t argue this passionately if it was a liberal making the same argument.
You might have a point if we had one of those liberals running for president, we don’t.
It will be alright, but you are some fucked up people

Fundamentally change for the better, you dipshit loser.
What's better? Is it the race relations Barry and Big Mike set back a generation?

Or your ability to get your dick cut off?

Or how far your dollar goes?

Or how peaceful the world is?

Or how secure the border is so we are actually a country?

Nothing is better you stupid motherfucker. Nothing. How can you exist and be this stupid? How does your brain even remember to beat your heart?
Things will improve once you all are able to round up the "vermin" and deport all of them. Things will improve when you tack on a 100% increase to the cost of goods with tariffs. Things will improve when there are more guns on the street. Things will improve when women learn their "proper place" in the order of things. Things will improve when the "enemy within" is silenced. Things will improve when...

In that glorious future day we will all celebrate for the New Utopia that your movement ushers in. Probably so good we will simply dispense with future elections (as Trump already promised the evangelicals).
Things will improve when Kam goes back to California...;)
I going to mark myself safe from those silly Democrat talking points...you should as well...
What's better? Is it the race relations Barry and Big Mike set back a generation?

Or your ability to get your dick cut off?

Or how far your dollar goes?

Or how peaceful the world is?

Or how secure the border is so we are actually a country?

Nothing is better you stupid motherfucker. Nothing. How can you exist and be this stupid? How does your brain even remember to beat your heart?
Wow, you really fell for the lies haven’t you!
I do not mean "project 2025", whatever that is...I'm marked safe from knowing that's real...
Heaven's real...so you can count on that...unless you've done something I don't know about... but I'll pray extra hard for us all...
The Hitler claim is just absurd, btw...
Immigration is a big issue...so is the economy... healthcare is a concern...so is education..I would absolutely love to see teacher's unions completely reformed...;)
We shall see...
The grill is hot, so enjoy the rest of your evening...it's beautiful here...
Several women have died because of Roe. V. Wade being overturned.
I believe that Trump and his six justices should all be in prison for the murder of those women.
But we all knew that such would happen if Trump was elected.

Consequently, everybody who voted for Trump should be punished for the murder of those women.
We don't have enough prisons, even though we have more people in prison than China does with 40x our population.
So another solution would be required.

I would sign off on that without a second thought.
I'm in rage mood now.
I viscerally hate conservative America.
It's way beyond mere disagreement now.
Several women have died because of Roe. V. Wade being overturned.
I believe that Trump and his six justices should all be in prison for the murder of those women.
But we all knew that such would happen if Trump was elected.

Consequently, everybody who voted for Trump should be punished for the murder of those women.
We don't have enough prisons, even though we have more people in prison than China does with 40x our population.
So another solution would be required.

I would sign off on that without a second thought.
I'm in rage mood now.
I viscerally hate conservative America.
It's way beyond mere disagreement now.
No women were murdered....Don't be in a rage... have a good day...FB_IMG_1727878161977.jpg
I've been here long enough already.
It's not about me.

It's about what's tolerable to decent people
who have to be here a lot longer than I do.

That's what I care about now.
I've been here long enough already.
It's not about me.

It's about what's tolerable to decent people
who have to be here a lot longer than I do.

That's what I care about now.
Of course it's about you.... And me... we're still here... But yes, we do have to think about our families...our communities....our country...and the future...100% That's what I care about too...