Red wave or Red trickle?

Harris lost all seven swing states by a collective total of 780k votes. A few hundred thousand votes made Trump president

312 electoral votes
3,012,952 in the popular vote
The Senate by 5 seats
The House by at least 3 seats

Yeah, it wasn't a mandate if you wallow in brainless land and vote Democrat.

I'm retired with a reliable, generous income that ensures I don't have to worry about getting jobs or money.

Translation: A typical leftist dimwit who doesn't care about how much pain a majority of Americans are suffering under Democratic policies.

Whatever Trump does, whether it's cutting social security

There you go with the stupid lies again. I don't think you can post without looking stupid or dishonest.

or causing a recession,

This will not age well.

is going to affect Trump dick suckers more than me :laugh:

Awwwww, orange man makes you unhinged. Awesome!

My wife asked me about investing in gold since that's what her poorly educated MAGAt friends-since-childhood told her to do.

I stated you can't eat gold. Better to invest in ammo and toilet paper. :)

While I understand the concern, if the US economy collapses and the US dollar sinks due to hyperinflation, we'll be down to a barter system. Guess who loses the most? All of Trump's billionaire friends. No one will be able to afford corporate widgets much less Teslas, insurance or anything else. For this reason, I think Daddy will help his friends line their pockets with taxpayer dollars, he won't collapse the economy since they'd all lose more than you or I.

OTOH, such a move sets the stage for the 2028 midterms. LOL

That said, I put TP on my shopping list this week. :thup:
