What is Putin's leverage over trump....?

If you and your fellow trumpsuckers had one working brain between you, you'd find it more terrifying than fascinating.

But trump has erased anything of value that might have once been inside the wasteland between your ears.
Fascinating :unsure:
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Whether he shows it or not, Putin respects (possibly fears) Trump. If for no other reason, he knows we can wipe the floor with Russia, save a nuclear war.

trump has NOTHING to do with that.

Putin would have that knowledge and fear under any other President EXCEPT trump.

Even moreso under Harris whose aim was to continue funding Ukraine until Russia could no longer afford to remain then gave up and went home as happened in Afghanistan.

If anything, Putin is overjoyed that trump won because he's Putin's puppet and lapdog.

Now, Ukraine will likely be abandoned by the US.

Unless there are enough sane Republiclowns in Congress to force trump into acting like a real leader.
trump has NOTHING to do with that.

Putin would have that knowledge and fear under any other President EXCEPT trump.

Even moreso under Harris whose aim was to continue funding Ukraine until Russia could no longer afford to remain then gave up and went home as happened in Afghanistan.

If anything, Putin is overjoyed that trump won because he's Putin's puppet and lapdog.

Now, Ukraine will likely be abandoned by the US.

Unless there are enough sane Republiclowns in Congress to force trump into acting like a real leader.

Trump will tell Putin to shut up, or he's fired.
I agree that reducing it is the best we can hope for. I'm thinking about world history, though.
Agreed that bigotry exists throughout history. IMO, it's important to look a common factors which result in bigotry. Why did slavery exist in the Bible? Why did the Romans have slaves. Why did the Euros look down on brown people and enslave them? Why did Germans scapegoat Jews?

Another factor to consider is looking at what reduces such bigotry. IMO, it's education, especially tolerance for new ideas, different cultures, different physical appearances, etc. Although it's been spotty in application, the American ideal of a "melting pot" is a good one; take the best from everyone and every culture then apply it to make a better world. Some prefer the idea of multiculturalism which is more of a salad bowl than a melting pot. I'm a big believer in "results count", often stated in Murphy's Laws of Combat as "if it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid". Melting pot or salad bowl, I don't care as long as it produces positive results for a better and stronger America and, by extension, a better world.

Murphy’s Laws of Combat 73 If it’s stupid but it works, it isn’t stupid
Putin started and is perpetuating the war in Ukraine.

Once your criminal cult leader helps Putin win and takes credit for stopping the war, Putin will be in a prime position to do the same thing to Europe that he did to Ukraine.

And mental defective deplorables like you will find a way to put a positive spin on it and hail your scumbag leader some more.

You are a waste of flesh and oxygen.

So you think that trump winning the election makes a bunch of MAGA turds like you and the rest of the trumptrash you plopped out of trump's butthole with, winners by default, little Tsetse Fly?

Every time you post your nonsensical garbage you disprove that idiotic notion.
wrong deep state fucko.

maidan revolution.

stop lying. deep state skuzzbox.