The tolerant left


Nemo me impune lacessit

Opponents of gender ideology haven't merely 'endured unsparing criticism'. I haven't simply been told I 'betrayed real feminism' or received a few book-burning videos.

I've been sent thousands of threats of murder, rape and violence.

A trans "woman" posted my family's home address with a bomb-making guide.

My eldest child was targeted by a prominent trans activist who attempted to doxx her and ended up doxxing the wrong young woman.

I could write a twenty thousand word essay on what the consequences have been to me and my family, and what we've endured is NOTHING compared to the harm done to others.

By standing up to a movement that relies on threats of violence, ostracisation and guilt-by-association, all of us have been smeared and defamed, but many have lost their livelihoods.

Some have been physically assaulted by trans activists.

Female politicians have been forced to hire personal security on the advice of police.

The news that one of the UK's leading endocrinologists, Dr Hillary Cass, was advised not to travel by public transport for her own safety should shame everyone who let this insanity run amok.

Lest we forget, gender apostates have been targeted for crimes such as doubting the evidential basis for transitioning children, for arguing for fair sport for women and girls, for wanting to retain single sex spaces and services, especially for the most vulnerable, and for thinking it barbaric to lock in female prisoners with convicted male sex offenders.

Now the political landscape has shifted, and some who've been riding high on their own supply are waking up with a hell of a hangover.

They've started wondering whether calling left-wing feminists who wanted all-female rape centres 'Nazis' was such a smart strategy.

Maybe parents arguing that boys ought not to be robbing their daughters of sporting opportunities might, sort of, have a point?

Possibly letting any man who says 'I'm a woman' into the locker room with twelve-year-old girls could have a downside, after all?

Mealy-mouthed retconning of what has actually happened over the past ten years is predictable but will not stand.

I don't doubt those who've turned a blind eye to the purges of non-believers, or even applauded and encouraged them, would rather minimise what the true cost of speaking out was, but 'yes, maybe trans activists went a little over the top at times' takes are frankly insulting.

A full reckoning on the effects of gender ideology on individuals, society and politics is still a long way off, but I know this: the receipts will make very ugly reading when that time comes, and there are far too many of them to sweep politely under the carpet.

J.K. Rowling

Opponents of gender ideology haven't merely 'endured unsparing criticism'. I haven't simply been told I 'betrayed real feminism' or received a few book-burning videos.

I've been sent thousands of threats of murder, rape and violence.

A trans "woman" posted my family's home address with a bomb-making guide.

My eldest child was targeted by a prominent trans activist who attempted to doxx her and ended up doxxing the wrong young woman.

I could write a twenty thousand word essay on what the consequences have been to me and my family, and what we've endured is NOTHING compared to the harm done to others.

By standing up to a movement that relies on threats of violence, ostracisation and guilt-by-association, all of us have been smeared and defamed, but many have lost their livelihoods.

Some have been physically assaulted by trans activists.

Female politicians have been forced to hire personal security on the advice of police.

The news that one of the UK's leading endocrinologists, Dr Hillary Cass, was advised not to travel by public transport for her own safety should shame everyone who let this insanity run amok.

Lest we forget, gender apostates have been targeted for crimes such as doubting the evidential basis for transitioning children, for arguing for fair sport for women and girls, for wanting to retain single sex spaces and services, especially for the most vulnerable, and for thinking it barbaric to lock in female prisoners with convicted male sex offenders.

Now the political landscape has shifted, and some who've been riding high on their own supply are waking up with a hell of a hangover.

They've started wondering whether calling left-wing feminists who wanted all-female rape centres 'Nazis' was such a smart strategy.

Maybe parents arguing that boys ought not to be robbing their daughters of sporting opportunities might, sort of, have a point?

Possibly letting any man who says 'I'm a woman' into the locker room with twelve-year-old girls could have a downside, after all?

Mealy-mouthed retconning of what has actually happened over the past ten years is predictable but will not stand.

I don't doubt those who've turned a blind eye to the purges of non-believers, or even applauded and encouraged them, would rather minimise what the true cost of speaking out was, but 'yes, maybe trans activists went a little over the top at times' takes are frankly insulting.

A full reckoning on the effects of gender ideology on individuals, society and politics is still a long way off, but I know this: the receipts will make very ugly reading when that time comes, and there are far too many of them to sweep politely under the carpet.

J.K. Rowling
Leftism is perversion. Everything they touch gets twisted then it withers up and eventually it dies.
Too bad it's not painful. Then the leftists would be easy to spot from the writhing.

It may be. I've seen reports indicating that lefties suffer more from mental issues than conservatives do.

It may be. I've seen reports indicating that lefties suffer more from mental issues than conservatives do.

I think a casual review of leftists behavior supports that claim. Who in their right minds stands on the street screaming like an idiot when their candidate loses? Who in their right minds lop off healthy body parts based on their "feelings"? These people are screwed up in the head.

Opponents of gender ideology haven't merely 'endured unsparing criticism'. I haven't simply been told I 'betrayed real feminism' or received a few book-burning videos.

I've been sent thousands of threats of murder, rape and violence.

A trans "woman" posted my family's home address with a bomb-making guide.

My eldest child was targeted by a prominent trans activist who attempted to doxx her and ended up doxxing the wrong young woman.

I could write a twenty thousand word essay on what the consequences have been to me and my family, and what we've endured is NOTHING compared to the harm done to others.

By standing up to a movement that relies on threats of violence, ostracisation and guilt-by-association, all of us have been smeared and defamed, but many have lost their livelihoods.

Some have been physically assaulted by trans activists.

Female politicians have been forced to hire personal security on the advice of police.

The news that one of the UK's leading endocrinologists, Dr Hillary Cass, was advised not to travel by public transport for her own safety should shame everyone who let this insanity run amok.

Lest we forget, gender apostates have been targeted for crimes such as doubting the evidential basis for transitioning children, for arguing for fair sport for women and girls, for wanting to retain single sex spaces and services, especially for the most vulnerable, and for thinking it barbaric to lock in female prisoners with convicted male sex offenders.

Now the political landscape has shifted, and some who've been riding high on their own supply are waking up with a hell of a hangover.

They've started wondering whether calling left-wing feminists who wanted all-female rape centres 'Nazis' was such a smart strategy.

Maybe parents arguing that boys ought not to be robbing their daughters of sporting opportunities might, sort of, have a point?

Possibly letting any man who says 'I'm a woman' into the locker room with twelve-year-old girls could have a downside, after all?

Mealy-mouthed retconning of what has actually happened over the past ten years is predictable but will not stand.

I don't doubt those who've turned a blind eye to the purges of non-believers, or even applauded and encouraged them, would rather minimise what the true cost of speaking out was, but 'yes, maybe trans activists went a little over the top at times' takes are frankly insulting.

A full reckoning on the effects of gender ideology on individuals, society and politics is still a long way off, but I know this: the receipts will make very ugly reading when that time comes, and there are far too many of them to sweep politely under the carpet.

J.K. Rowling

Yeah, when people get up in arms over things they can definitely be annoying.

Just look at these guys who got pissed just because they lost something! They got so upset they broke into a building and SHAT on the desk of someone there and even erected gallows and expressed an interest in MURDERING the guy who was responsible for certifying their loss!

Yeah, when people get up in arms over things they can definitely be annoying.

Just look at these guys who got pissed just because they lost something! They got so upset they broke into a building and SHAT on the desk of someone there and even erected gallows and expressed an interest in MURDERING the guy who was responsible for certifying their loss!


I look forward to reading your equally-vehement condemnation of these people's actions:

I think a casual review of leftists behavior supports that claim. Who in their right minds stands on the street screaming like an idiot when their candidate loses? Who in their right minds lop off healthy body parts based on their "feelings"? These people are screwed up in the head.
Who in the right mind stormed the Capitol and beat up cops when their candidate loses?
Who in the right mind stormed the Capitol and beat up cops when their candidate loses?
Suddenly you're a friend of the cops. The same cops that murdered an unarmed woman in cold blood. That filthy prick should be married to his cell mate right now.
What makes you say that?
It's like school shootings. Those make you leftists cream your shorts but you have to pretend to be outraged because no one is ready yet for exactly how fucked up you people are. You're still working at normalizing pedophilia so killing children lucky enough to avoid abortion is a bridge to far for even you butchers but that time is coming.
It's like school shootings. Those make you leftists cream your shorts but you have to pretend to be outraged because no one is ready yet for exactly how fucked up you people are. You're still working at normalizing pedophilia so killing children lucky enough to avoid abortion is a bridge to far for even you butchers but that time is coming.
Be careful. 12b.

You need help.
Be careful. 12b.

You need help.
I haven't gone afoul of rule 12b. You filthy animals now refer to them as "minor attracted persons". You idiots start out expecting this crap to be tolerated then accepted then celebrated.

You're the only one that needs help