Exactly, and we don't appear to be getting our money's worth from government funded "schools", do we?
I believe that the available evidence supports the conclusion that sending a kid to a government school puts that child in imminent danger, harms their future prospects, and in no wise advances America's national or cultural interests.
Alternatives exist. Children were being well-educated for centuries prior to the introduction of government schools.
Prior to the introduction of public schools in the 19th century, education was very much a hit and miss thing. It was mostly privately or religiously run, and attendance was usually reserved for the merchant, upper middle, an upper classes. The majority of the population learned to read or do other activities that required some education either OJT or on their own.
The other thing about education previous to the introduction of public schools was education was valued and considered valuable by all. If an educational institution didn't produce a useful product, it didn't last long. That said, schools were sometimes not primarily for giving students a real education in stuff like science and math but rather in how to function in the upper ends of society.
Schools that focused on math, science, or the arts took students who showed natural aptitude for those things and grew them to produce mathematicians, scientists, and artists. Schools that had a more social function gave their students a foundation in subjects like reading, writing, and math, but were just as focused on 'polishing' them to make them fit for the circles of society they'd be entering.
Who's opposing the alternative avenues of education in America (while sending their own spawn to them in record numbers)?
If you don't know the answer, ask me, and I'll be glad to tell you.
Opposition to any alternative to public schools normally comes from the Left. In Leftist countries, alternatives are generally banned or highly restricted. Education becomes as much about indoctrination and propagandization as about learning. If you, as a student, are stupid but can recite the indoctrination and propaganda perfectly you are praised whereas a student that is excellent in reading, writing, math, science, etc., but questions the indoctrination and propaganda, or even just avoids being part of it, is seen as rebellious and dangerous.