The tolerant left

FTFY. Just look at them, all peaceful and everything.

They were let in by the police. Notice the police in the picture just allowing them to be there after they let them in in the first place.

There's no shit or gallows.

Isn't the guy in the foreground doing what every quarterback does upon scoring a touchdown?

There's something wrong with you.
Of course you find my defense for human life to be terribly wrong.

Prior to the COVID hoax, the government and many businesses were against working from home and required "butts in seats" ... but then the COVID hysteria hoax came along and required everyone to work several days a week from home. Everyone became proficient at virtual meetings and now they are the norm.

Remote work is largely, if not entirely, dead as an option.

Workers might love remotely working, but owners and managers hate it, and they are the ones setting the rules. They also recognize, just as public education found out, that remote work, like remote school teaching, results in an inferior product.

I say we fire back with our own "WOKE School System" hysteria, shut down all the schools and force everyone to home school. Soon, everyone will become proficient at it and it will become the norm. That would be one more huge problem cast into the dustbin of history, and would hopefully break the backs of the teachers' unions.

That won't work. I'd say something like at least 50% of parents are incapable of teaching their kids much of anything beyond maybe the 5th grade. The majority of parents wouldn't become proficient simply because they either don't care or don't know how what they're supposed to teach. By the latter, I don't mean they aren't given the lessons to be taught, it's a case of they don't know the material in the lesson themselves so how are they going to teach it?

Most adult Americans--I'll be nice and not name names--have a poor understanding of likewise of math, science, pretty much you-name-it. Yet, you want these adults teaching their kids instead of some school?

Sure, a lot of teachers are idiots too, but they're usually the best of the bunch of idiots so...
Most adult Americans--I'll be nice and not name names--have a poor understanding of likewise of math, science, pretty much you-name-it. Yet, you want these adults teaching their kids instead of some school?

Sure, a lot of teachers are idiots too, but they're usually the best of the bunch of idiots so...

I'm not going to drink the water out of a kiddy pool because only 5% is piss.

There is no Constitutional justification for government-funded education that I'm aware of.

In practice, it's an expensive and ineffective jobs program for unionized, Democrat-funding lefties who want to diddle little children or turn them into Marxist homosexuals...sometimes simultaneously.

The only reason parents allow it is because they love their income more than they do their children.
I'm not going to drink the water out of a kiddy pool because only 5% is piss.

There is no Constitutional justification for government-funded education that I'm aware of.

At the federal level. States are free to mandate it in their constitutions and laws as a state function. Thus, why the Department of Education should be abolished. I'd say, given where our society is at, we have a vested interest in an educated population.
In practice, it's an expensive and ineffective jobs program for unionized, Democrat-funding lefties who want to diddle little children or turn them into Marxist homosexuals...sometimes simultaneously.

Again, a state function. If some Leftist run Democrat state wants that, there's really nothing to stop them other than the public voting the fuckers (pun intended) out. The other means is that employers and other states can ignore educational credits from that state as worthless.
The only reason parents allow it is because they love their income more than they do their children.

No, many teachers are idiots for a variety of reasons like:

--Getting a simple liberal arts degree and then an education degree doesn't ensure that someone is well educated.
--Many colleges of education are run by radical Leftist retards bent on indoctrination and propagandization of students rather than learning.
--Teacher unions. MAJOR problem. They fight tooth and nail to retain the worst so long as the worst pay their dues. They fight any real and meaningful standards like periodic testing to ensure teachers know what they're teaching.
--Making requirements for being able to teach based on a narrow set of specifications, like the teacher must have gotten a degree in education even if they already have say, a master's in say, mathematics or English. This means 'ticket punching' becomes more important than actual ability or knowledge of the subject matter.
--Crap like DIE and affirmative action have become more important that qualifications in hiring teachers. It's interesting to note that in K - 12 in the US today somewhere around 85% of all teachers are women. Now, imagine if 85% of teachers were men... You can bet your ass the Left would be in a shitfit over that, but they don't give a shit that men are woefully underrepresented in education.
I'd say, given where our society is at, we have a vested interest in an educated population.

Exactly, and we don't appear to be getting our money's worth from government funded "schools", do we?

I believe that the available evidence supports the conclusion that sending a kid to a government school puts that child in imminent danger, harms their future prospects, and in no wise advances America's national or cultural interests.

Alternatives exist. Children were being well-educated for centuries prior to the introduction of government schools.

Who's opposing the alternative avenues of education in America (while sending their own spawn to them in record numbers)?

If you don't know the answer, ask me, and I'll be glad to tell you.
Exactly, and we don't appear to be getting our money's worth from government funded "schools", do we?

I believe that the available evidence supports the conclusion that sending a kid to a government school puts that child in imminent danger, harms their future prospects, and in no wise advances America's national or cultural interests.

Alternatives exist. Children were being well-educated for centuries prior to the introduction of government schools.

Prior to the introduction of public schools in the 19th century, education was very much a hit and miss thing. It was mostly privately or religiously run, and attendance was usually reserved for the merchant, upper middle, an upper classes. The majority of the population learned to read or do other activities that required some education either OJT or on their own.

The other thing about education previous to the introduction of public schools was education was valued and considered valuable by all. If an educational institution didn't produce a useful product, it didn't last long. That said, schools were sometimes not primarily for giving students a real education in stuff like science and math but rather in how to function in the upper ends of society.

Schools that focused on math, science, or the arts took students who showed natural aptitude for those things and grew them to produce mathematicians, scientists, and artists. Schools that had a more social function gave their students a foundation in subjects like reading, writing, and math, but were just as focused on 'polishing' them to make them fit for the circles of society they'd be entering.
Who's opposing the alternative avenues of education in America (while sending their own spawn to them in record numbers)?

If you don't know the answer, ask me, and I'll be glad to tell you.

Opposition to any alternative to public schools normally comes from the Left. In Leftist countries, alternatives are generally banned or highly restricted. Education becomes as much about indoctrination and propagandization as about learning. If you, as a student, are stupid but can recite the indoctrination and propaganda perfectly you are praised whereas a student that is excellent in reading, writing, math, science, etc., but questions the indoctrination and propaganda, or even just avoids being part of it, is seen as rebellious and dangerous.
That's not strictly true, is it?
As a generalization, it is. Back to ancient times, the norm for education worldwide was based on religious orders taking in students. Outside of that, the merchant class and upper class had private education or tutors provide it. For craftsmen and other skilled artisans, OJT as an apprentice taught the skills and knowledge of the trade.

Education was also largely reserved for men, with women often only getting a sparse education in particular skills that were normally pursued by females in society.

The concept of higher education and something like the university system only appeared starting around the 17th Century and really didn't take off until well into the 18th.

It's interesting to note that when universal public education was introduced in Europe in the 18th century, there was considerable opposition to it from the lower classes. Adults who worked basic labor jobs in factories, agriculture, or the like saw little or no value in it while at the same time it took their children away for school when the adults felt they could be helping earn a living for their family instead.

Hey, how about THESE gems from Donald J. Trump:

“I'd like to punch him in the face.” – February 2016
“I would bring back waterboarding.” – January 2017
“They should be prosecuted for their lies and, quite frankly, TREASON!” – October 2024
“We are watching him closely, and if he does anything illegal this time he will spend the rest of his life in prison.” – September 2024

Many more wonderful examples of Trump threatening people all over with violence and in a few cases even death can be found here:

How crazy is woke/cancel culture?

They were incandescently raging about the 1944 song Baby it’s Cold Outside because it supposedly represents “rapey toxic masculinity” and “male sexual aggression”.

Around the same, the number one song in America was “Wet Ass Pussy”.
