44 days until 47

Let's do sit back and watch...Why would I cry?
(Don't you want things to improve?)
Why would you cry??
When you have to pay that 20/30/40 percent or MORE on just about EVERYTHING you buy you will, hell you cried about inflation under Biden and prices will go up a lot higher under Trump.
Again it it NOT the exporting countries that pay the tariffs they just pass that cost on to the consumer .
Why would you cry??
When you have to pay that 20/30/40 percent or MORE on just about EVERYTHING you buy you will, hell you cried about inflation under Biden and prices will go up a lot higher under Trump.
Again it it NOT the exporting countries that pay the tariffs they just pass that cost on to the consumer .
That's not going to happen, though...why put the cart before the horse?
I know you're a very practical person...stop the unnecessary panic...
Just curious...Do you buy local and American-made, if possible?
Let's do sit back and watch...Why would I cry?
(Don't you want things to improve?)
I do but making people pay 20/30/40 percent or more isn't going to do it.
Again just 20% across the board will raise fuel and gas costs that will be passed on to the consumer, Trumps tariffs will be passed on to the consumer,
Some of the CEOs of large oil companies have already come out and said tariffs of just 20% could cause the price of fuel and gas to go up by about a dollar a gallon.
The US auto industry alone uses a LOT of parts that are made overseas and those costs will be passed on to the consumer , and that will drive down the sales of US made cars and that will cause layoffs in the auto industry and the same thing will also happen in other American industries, causing a recession / depression like some of the top economists have said it could.
And it has been said for every one auto worker employed 8 other people in supporting industries get employed, and it works the other way too.
And then there are other people down the line that will be laid off too, store clerks , people like that.
That would cause a lot of people to lose their jobs and have to go on unemployment and cut back on their spending again causing a recession/ depression.
YES I want things to get better we all do but making prices of just about everything you buy go up isn't going to do it.
That's not going to happen, though...why put the cart before the horse?
I know you're a very practical person...stop the unnecessary panic...
Just curious...Do you buy local and American-made, if possible?
MY point to you low IQ MAGAS is IF Trump does even 1/3 of what he says he is going to do it WILL hurt a lot of Americans and could destroy this country as we have known it all our lives.
That's not going to happen, though...why put the cart before the horse?
I know you're a very practical person...stop the unnecessary panic...
Just curious...Do you buy local and American-made, if possible?
And yes I do buy AMERICAN when I can , when the quality of the product is comparable and the price isn't too much higher, and having been a US auto worker I have for years because I have seen how not buying American can hurt our economy.
Why would you cry??
When you have to pay that 20/30/40 percent or MORE on just about EVERYTHING you buy you will, hell you cried about inflation under Biden and prices will go up a lot higher under Trump.
Again it it NOT the exporting countries that pay the tariffs they just pass that cost on to the consumer .

Correct. Good luck trying to educate the uneducatable though. You can lead a MAGATtard to facts, but you cannot make her think.
And yes I do buy AMERICAN when I can , when the quality of the product is comparable and the price isn't too much higher, and having been a US auto worker I have for years because I have seen how not buying American can hurt our economy.

The main idea of tariffs is to try to move manufacturing back to the U.S. What the MAGAT idiots like Toxic don't get is that all the imported things they enjoy now -- electronics, shoes, jeans, appliances, drugs, housewares, etc. -- will go up drastically in price if made in America. Makers will have to pay at least the minimum wage to attract and keep workers. The MAGAT morons forget how much TVs, shoes, clothes, etc. cost when we were growing up because they were once upon a time made here.

Reasons for Trump to call it a big victory​

Trump won all of this year’s seven battleground states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Harris fared worse in these states than Joe Biden did four years earlier.

Trump’s margins of victory in those seven states were wider — easily — than the margins of the seven closest states in the 2020 Trump-Biden election, and every close presidential contest this century.

Including votes counted through Nov. 19, Trump’s collective margin in this year’s seven battleground states was about 760,000. By comparison, the 2000 election between George W. Bush and Al Gore — which the Supreme Court decided after a weeks-long Florida recount — produced collective margins of about 46,000 in the seven closest states, or about one-sixteenth as much as in 2024.

Among five of the tightest elections since 2000, Trump won the seven closest states in 2024 by particularly wide margins​
