Looks like another school shooting.....

That's it in a nutshell. America has almost more guns than people. What gun enthusiasts here don't seem to understand is that no matter how good each individual thinks he or she is with their guns. guns get misappropriated ALL THE TIME. Increase the number of guns in circulation and you automatically increase the probability that a gun will be used for something bad by someone.
Countdown to a moron making the same argument about cars in:

Mental illness is just one reason for shooting. and most of the mentally ill aren't killers. I agree mental illness shouldn't be stigmatized the way it is in this country, and we have to develop better methods of treatment. This girl was 15 so her parents would know what meds she was prescribed, but we don't know if she took them. We also don't know if meds or the lack of them contributed to her rampage.
Now that precedent has been set, the parents should be charged if they either gave her a gun, or refused to secure their guns in the home
Now that precedent has been set, the parents should be charged if they either gave her a gun, or refused to secure their guns in the home
This might be bad news for the parents. Once again, a family urges a child to learn to fire guns without paying attention to the kid's mental issues.

How do u know she had mental issues
She killed a bunch of people?

We might find out that she had a good, reasonable reason for killing them, but somehow I doubt it. So killing people with no good, reasonable reason... That sounds like a mental issue.
No gun law would have prevented
Same bullshit over and over again, “guns don’t kill people ………,” yeah, but Babe Ruth couldn’t have hit all those home runs without a bat

Got anything relevant?
Do you have a gun? We all know many who have guns...who are members of clubs...OSU has a championship pistol team...
It's not a killing without the person...
Babe Ruth's bat didn't hit those home runs on their own... There are few who are as concerned about these school shootings as I am...We're very focused on finding solutions....I taught for 20 years at my last school...There is still a process for everyone to enter...gone are the days of running in and out of the building like we always could...
Mental illness is a problem in all countries. It is a problem with the basic human condition.

Why are we giving the mentally ill guns in this country?
We had mental illness problems in the 50s 60 70 and 80s and guns were way more easy to get no background check etc

What we didn't have in those decades were kids strung out on psychotic medication and girls and boys being encouraged they can be the opposite sex
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We had mental illness problems in the 50s 60 70 and 80s and guns were way more easy to get no background check etc

What we didn't have in those decades were kids strung out on psychotic medication
Pretending there were no murders in the past does not solve our problems.
She killed a bunch of people? We might find out that she had a good, reasonable reason for killing them, but somehow I doubt it. So killing people with no good, reasonable reason... That sounds like a mental issue.

It's a legal issue, Salty. It's known as "murder", I believe.
