Nemo me impune lacessit
Don't be condescending.
Why shouldn't I be?
My body, my choice.
Don't be condescending.
This is great!
So you just want to troll now. Gotit.Meme. Posted without comment to troll you. Worked like a charm.
So you just want to troll now. Gotit.
Now you're trying to deny your own posts??????If you think that's trolling, you can. It was a response to someone else's post, intended to expose their hypocrisy, and I'm confident that they got the message, even if you didn't.
Now you're trying to deny your own posts??????
Denying your own posts doesn't work. ANYONE can read them!If that's what you deduced from what I posted, that's not my problem.
Denying your own posts doesn't work. ANYONE can read them!
Denying your own posts doesn't work. ANYONE can read them! Your word games won't work either.If that's what you deduce from what I posted, that's not my problem, is it?
It really isn't (not in its immediate surroundings, anyway)... Much of Dane County as a whole (even in the rural areas) is filled with Marxists and otherwise politically ignorant people. The most "MAGAMurica" area of Dane County is the northernmost strip (basically, north of Hwy 19), and even then, as "Trumpy as it gets" is still roughly 50/50 (or less) at best.
Going beyond Dane County, yes, pretty much all of the other counties in the state are "MAGAMurica" (with a few exceptions here and there).