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Look at the heifer chew her cud.
Look at the heifer chew her cud.
You are so fucking stupid. I can't even deal.The case should never have been brought to the courtroom but it was and adjudicated correctly.
Not guilty and Penny is getting support from the President-elect on down to the real Americans.
Ashli Babbitt did not threaten to kill anyone, she was unarmed. She threatened no one. Her race does not matter.
The race issue is a moot issue with most Americans. Most people understand that race is not a choice. There are a few race merchants who profit but most of Americans have moved on.
Jesus fucking christ, you are insane.The beat goes on.
I hope that President-elect Trump gives Penny a high position in government.
Break a hip, you fucking idiot.
What the fuck does this even say? An illiterate "teacher".That civil suit will not account to anything... I am
Concerned about the threats to his existence... Something should have done something about that immediately... He's strong? Though... And very smart...He'll get through all this, but you are correct....People are going to hesitate from now on to step in and help...
Both Penny and Trump committed no crimes.Oh, are you confused again? They both committed crimes.
Ok, sweetie. Tell me when your civil war is over and how that went for you.It's going to be a fight that we're going to win. We have the people supporting it, so sit down, suck on your lollipop and STFU.
Nailed it! Fuck that bitch and the horse that rode in on her Quasimodo back.Yet the stupid cunt wants to have "adult conversations." It is impossible to do so with a pompous twat who refuses to reply directly to you if you disagree with her, and who thinks that her merely saying something makes it true. Her spirit guide is a syphillis spirochete. lol
Look here, the anti Christian nutcase using the Lord's name in vain. You need to drink a heavyJesus fucking christ, you are insane.
Poor Nancy... No one is even checking on her ...
The hating hypocrites...Look here, the anti Christian nutcase using the Lord's name in vain. You need to drink a heavy
dose of diesel fuel.
I respect your ability to know what you know and know what you don't know. That fucking bitch @TOP has no intelligent thing to say about NYC's public transportation system. I step around puddles of piss and say, "Walk away, bro," to insane, hungry, or scared people every single day. Daniel Penny, the testosterone-injected tough guy pussy, murdered a loud guy on a train. I'll say it one more time: If we murdered every loud, crazy person on a train, the stations would be floor-to-ceiling stacked with corpses. Penny is not a hero. He's a weakling who killed someone who couldn't defend himself when it was entirely unnecessary. MAGAWell, that's just weird. I think you missed Guno's point here. These MAGAT garbage applauding the killer have no idea what goes on, on a large city's public transportation system. I don't either. But at least *I* am not sitting here at my keyboard praising a man who killed a mentally ill homeless guy for screaming and being scary. As Diesel and Guno have pointed out, this is a daily occurrence in big cities. Should they all be killed by vigilantes?
Watch this dumb fuck and the fat fuck @TOP stroke each other. Good morning!!Indeed...morning TOP.
The devil is in the details.
Why would city dwellers be content to have career criminal lunatics who threaten them with death, among them?
Dysfunctional people in dysfunctional cities...always run by far left Democratic Socialist loons.
You fucking idiot. Why don't you join me in NYC this afternoon? Let's talk about your plans for cleaning up the garbage and ending the death threats in the subway. If we have time, we can talk about the rats and summer trash collection. Do you like bagels or have you never, ever been outside Ohio's state borders? You are unbelievably fucking stupid, disgustingly ignorant, and an uncultured twat.Good Morning...
Apparently the little groupies here are fine with ignoring the career criminals, the daily throwing of garbage, and death threats in the subway...That's no surprise... they're "self-proclaimed Subway Experts" and cowards...
Those people in the subway car that day...the city dwellers... were not fine with the bizarre behaviors and threats, and they were grateful that Daniel Penny was there...He was no coward...he was a hero that day...
He is a hero today...
Again, TOP, you own these far left loons.
They are obsessed with you.
They have almost completely stopped defending this failed administration and are reduced to ad Homs.
Right where you want them.
Good job.
It's beautiful. Two ancient, irrelevant trailer park trash hicks explaining the heroism of a juiced-up coward retard who murdered a Black man on a subway. Unfuckingreal.![]()
Look at the adorably angry lovers, bonding over the dead body of a homeless guy killed by a vigilante. Isn't it so sweet?
You're a fucking dumb fuck who should shut the fuck up. Take a hint, pendeja.Indeed.
TOP, I posted three threads this morning…they are all gone.
Perhaps Damocles can enlighten us.