If Christians voted for Trump it was because he lied to them.

If they thought he was the best choice on the ballot, then they certainly should have cast their vote for him.

Those two statements seem a mite, well, contradictory, don't they?

Oh, I almost forgot the benediction: Roll, Tide!
You know? I mean, your friends and such sure, but anyone don't know.

If there is ONE Christian who voted for Trump based on their "values" that is all there needs to be to be an indictment of the religious right.

But there wasn't just one. There were COUNTLESS Christians who HONESTLY felt that the man who was known to be an admirer of HITLER, and who violates every single norm of decent human behavior known to mankind was going to do a better job and was MORE worthy of the opportunity to do so than Kamala.

I know not all Christians vote based on their values, but far too many who normally do so DID SO FOR TRUMP. And Trump had a clearly transactional relationship with them: he got their votes (he couldn't care less about their religion) and campain donations, and the religious right were given their big enchilada in the elimination of Roe. It was a perfect relationship that was so disgustingly craven on BOTH SIDES, done as undercover and deceitfully as humanly possible all wrapped in lies about how everyone wanted it back in the state's hands, all in service to a God only a fraction of the nation worships. Trump, caring not one whit about abortion --who knows if he had to pay for a few in his day?-- but NEEDS a solid base who "owes him big".

That's not all Christians, but it's enough to let you know that the actual MEANING of Christianity carries no real weight. Do NOT get me wrong: all my closest friends are Christians and I love them to death even for their faith. They are super mellow and supporting only the best things for all people and leaning probably pretty left on the political spectum if relatively right on the social. But that is the EXACT SAME GOD being worshipped by loons who would gladly set up a theocracy and kill atheists like me for simply existing. And I can't get my head around that fact.
There were COUNTLESS Christians who HONESTLY felt that the man who was known to be an admirer of HITLER, and who violates every single norm of decent human behavior known to mankind was going to do a better job and was MORE worthy of the opportunity to do so than Kamala.

That means you didn't count them. You know that, right?
If there is ONE Christian who voted for Trump based on their "values" that is all there needs to be to be an indictment of the religious right.

But there wasn't just one. There were COUNTLESS Christians who HONESTLY felt that the man who was known to be an admirer of HITLER, and who violates every single norm of decent human behavior known to mankind was going to do a better job and was MORE worthy of the opportunity to do so than Kamala.

I know not all Christians vote based on their values, but far too many who normally do so DID SO FOR TRUMP. And Trump had a clearly transactional relationship with them: he got their votes (he couldn't care less about their religion) and campain donations, and the religious right were given their big enchilada in the elimination of Roe. It was a perfect relationship that was so disgustingly craven on BOTH SIDES, done as undercover and deceitfully as humanly possible all wrapped in lies about how everyone wanted it back in the state's hands, all in service to a God only a fraction of the nation worships. Trump, caring not one whit about abortion --who knows if he had to pay for a few in his day?-- but NEEDS a solid base who "owes him big".

That's not all Christians, but it's enough to let you know that the actual MEANING of Christianity carries no real weight. Do NOT get me wrong: all my closest friends are Christians and I love them to death even for their faith. They are super mellow and supporting only the best things for all people and leaning probably pretty left on the political spectum if relatively right on the social. But that is the EXACT SAME GOD being worshipped by loons who would gladly set up a theocracy and kill atheists like me for simply existing. And I can't get my head around that fact.

If you indict all Christians by the fact that Trump got elected, you are ignoring too much of what Christianity offers.

One source says $100 million in charitable donations comes from Christians. From soup kitchens to individual assistance, Christians help a LOT of people.
If you indict all Christians by the fact that Trump got elected, you are ignoring too much of what Christianity offers. One source says $100 million in charitable donations comes from Christians. From soup kitchens to individual assistance, Christians help a LOT of people.

You do know you're talking to the intellectual equivalent of South Carolina when you try to reason with Twilight63, don't you?

Roll, Tide!
If you indict all Christians by the fact that Trump got elected, you are ignoring too much of what Christianity offers.

Yes, Christianity offers good as well as bad. Virtue as well as vice. Piety and sin. Forgiveness and indictment.

The Religious Right, however, aren't happy to just live and let live, no they must turn America into Christo-Taliban country! They have an outsized impact on our government and quality of life versus their actual numbers.

My issue is that if values EVER factors into a political decision for a Christian....even just a bit, it has to have sufficient meaning to DISAVOW those decisions which are CLEARLY biased to amplify the abuse of those values.

If you are a good Christian and you know to love your enemy as yourself, and to give to the poor all you can (which would be AMPLIFIED even further when the total economic power of the US is involved in the pot....again, studies repeatedly show that charities while absolutely wonderful are insufficient to meet the current economic demand by the poor in this, the most wealthy country that has ever existed in all of human history), then a vote for Trump and the CLEARLY STATED MAGA APPROACH TO WELFARE is to violate that belief. To sell it out for something perhaps more "bottom line" related (?) Then you open the door to the whole "brain function" argument.

One source says $100 million in charitable donations comes from Christians. From soup kitchens to individual assistance, Christians help a LOT of people.

Never said otherwise. Not once. Not the point.
Yes, Christianity offers good as well as bad. Virtue as well as vice. Piety and sin. Forgiveness and indictment. The Religious Right, however, aren't happy to just live and let live, no they must turn America into Christo-Taliban country! They have an outsized impact on our government and quality of life versus their actual numbers.
My issue is that if values EVER factors into a political decision for a Christian....even just a bit, it has to have sufficient meaning to DISAVOW those decisions which are CLEARLY biased to amplify the abuse of those values. If you are a good Christian and you know to love your enemy as yourself, and to give to the poor all you can (which would be AMPLIFIED even further when the total economic power of the US is involved in the pot....again, studies repeatedly show that charities while absolutely wonderful are insufficient to meet the current economic demand by the poor in this, the most wealthy country that has ever existed in all of human history), then a vote for Trump and the CLEARLY STATED MAGA APPROACH TO WELFARE is to violate that belief. To sell it out for something perhaps more "bottom line" related (?) Then you open the door to the whole "brain function" argument.
Never said otherwise. Not once. Not the point.

Generalize, much?

I have to ask ... don't you believe that religion has no place in politics?
You do know you're talking to the intellectual equivalent of Vanderbilt when you try to reason with Twilight63, don't you?

Roll, Tide!

If I only talked with those people on this board who are very intelligent, I would have very few people to talk with.
I believe this is a symbol of "humility" on the part of the Pope. He often also washes the feet of beggars in Rome.

He does stuff like this.

You American Christofascists don't practice that type of Christianity. You worship REPUBLICAN JESUS and he isn't down with ANY of that wussy stupid peace-loving limp-wristed unarmed socialist shit. REPUBLICAN JESUS KICKS ASS AND TAKES NAMES.


They should join you and your party in promoting extreme sexual mutilations of children and having drag queens give them lap dances in 1st grade.