I believe this is a symbol of "humility" on the part of the Pope. He often also washes the feet of beggars in Rome.

He does stuff like this.

You American Christofascists don't practice that type of Christianity. You worship REPUBLICAN JESUS and he isn't down with ANY of that wussy stupid peace-loving limp-wristed unarmed socialist shit. REPUBLICAN JESUS KICKS ASS AND TAKES NAMES.


Not a lot of macho craziness in true Christians.
My kids and, especially, my grandkids think I'm cool. That counts for a lot more than anonymous posters on a board.

That's understandable. Bribery, emotional and otherwise, can appear to be remarkably effective on people who stand to benefit by remaining in a benefactor's good graces, I've heard.

How they really feel is anyone's guess.

I posted a thread that you might find somewhat relevant.

Roll, Tide!
That's understandable. Bribery, emotional and otherwise, can appear to be remarkably effective on people who stand to benefit by remaining in a benefactor's good graces, I've heard.

How they really feel is anyone's guess.

I posted a thread that you might find somewhat relevant.

Roll, Tide!

I prefer the simpler answer. And their actions show it.
If not they changed their name and have not started the same shit again.


I've changed my names and started different "shit" many times. Usually undetectably, as far as I know.

But don't take my word for it. Ask around.

Roll, Tide!
I'm sure you do.

Dissembling is a skill that even the very young can excel at, I've heard.

Roll, Tide!

Say what you want. But only one person in this conversation has any real knowledge of the relationships between me and my kids & grandkids. And that person is not you.

I've changed my names and started different "shit" many times. Usually undetectably, as far as I know.

But don't take my word for it. Ask around.

Roll, Tide!

Ok. Congrats.

But the person I am talking about crossed a line. And no one has done anything close to that since.
But truly back to the topic of burning winterborn, I don't care about past statements.

he admitted he's a never trumper who doesn't support tariffs.

I am Litmus!
But the person I am talking about crossed a line. And no one has done anything close to that since.

I wonder if dissembling - for a protracted period tome time - when directly asked about your identity is also "crossing a line".

Not in your judgement, apparently.

Because "reasons", right?

Roll, Tide!