Wealthy hire $2,000/hour firefighters, sparking public outrage.

Only idiots want cigarettes and only psychopaths want fast cars. THINK
Oh boy, you must really be a charmer. lol

Oh, I can only imagine the absolute joy of having you at the Thanksgiving table... Wait, I'm betting you loathe Thanksgiving, right? After all, only a complete moron could enjoy a holiday celebrating a bunch of genocidal thieves who so 'kindly' took everything from the 'indians' (oh, I bet you're just seething now). Then, those patriarchal pigs went on a rampage, slaughtering everything in sight out of sheer hate and greed. LOL How'd I do? Spot on, I'm sure. Maybe not.....surprise me

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Oh boy, you must really be a charmer. lol

Oh, I can only imagine the absolute joy of having you at the Thanksgiving table... Wait, I'm betting you loathe Thanksgiving, right? After all, only a complete moron could enjoy a holiday celebrating a bunch of genocidal thieves who so 'kindly' took everything from the 'indians' (oh, I bet you're just seething now). Then, those patriarchal pigs went on a rampage, slaughtering everything in sight out of sheer hate and greed. LOL How'd I do? Spot on, I'm sure. Maybe not.....surprise me
Hey loonybird. No one knows what you're talking about. Are you drunk again or just on the wrong thread.?
Hey loonybird. No one knows what you're talking about. Are you drunk again or just on the wrong thread.?
Oh, don't you worry, plenty of people will know exactly what I'm talking about. Anyone who spews the shit you did is clearly in a perpetual state of rage. In case you're not as bright as the typical drone, let me spell it out for you. Many people got that cousin, uncle, or even a sibling at the Thanksgiving table who instantly pisses off every normal person there. They start their rant about how we're all doomed if the 'uneducated' keep voting for climate deniers or if we don't take drastic measures, the earth will end in 12 years. But the ranting doesn't stop there, oh no, next comes the lecture on using the 'proper' pronouns, and before anyone can enjoy their pie, they're all labeled racists. lol Then the libtard jumps on their bike, pedaling off in a fit of rage.

I just used Thanksgiving to add a little flavor to the all-too-predictable, boring tale of a libtard. Some or maybe all of those positions might describe you. You could be into the whole hate a Jew thing too. Feel free to correct me on any of those typical left wing positions. I'd be happy to find out I'm wrong about the whole thing.
I don't think they get paid more to actually fight fire. They are paid to be there in case of fire.

I'd hire 'em if I had the money and my property was at risk.

Extremely wealthy individuals or families with substantial assets often opt for self-insurance because they have the financial capacity to absorb losses from damages or disasters without the need for traditional insurance policies. This is often seen with very high-net-worth individuals who might find that insurance premiums are not cost-effective compared to the potential payout.

  1. Wealthy people often have sophisticated risk management strategies. This might include self-insurance for certain risks (like property damage) while still purchasing insurance for others where the potential loss is too significant or unpredictable (like liability risks). They might also use captive insurance companies, which are essentially private insurers owned by the insured parties, to manage their insurance needs.
  2. Traditional insurance might not cover the unique or high-value assets that wealthy individuals possess. Self-insurance or captive insurance allows for more tailored coverage that fits their specific needs and values of their possessions.
  3. Some prefer self-insurance to avoid the privacy invasions that can come with insurance claims processes or to keep their profile low.
  4. For some, the cost of insurance premiums can outweigh the benefits, especially if they calculate that the likelihood and cost of a disaster are low compared to the insurance cost.
  5. There can be tax advantages to self-insurance, and in some jurisdictions, there are fewer regulatory burdens involved in managing one's own insurance.

For example, some Palm Beach homeowners have chosen to self-insure, particularly those who have no mortgage and can afford to cover potential damages out of pocket. This trend has been noted especially in markets affected by insurance companies dropping coverage or significantly increasing premiums.

So what do they do. ? Just watch the house and call the FD if they see a fire.? No one will pay $2000 an hour for that!!!
They then would fight the fire. The original intent of whomever posted that they would then go set fires is the point I'm trying to answer. They don't get more when they are actually shooting blue stuff onto the red stuff, they get paid the same to wait as they do to actually fight the fires. They would have no incentive to light the fires so they could get paid...

Anyway, the entire subject is fraught with stupid.

It begins with a post where these firefighters are paid $2000/hour, then some idiot says they'll go and start fires to make money... this isn't Fahrenheit 451 where the firemen light books on fire, these are firefighters, they are paid to wait around until there is a fire, then fight one if there is a fire... not to magically appear like leprechauns when there's a rainbow and only then get paid. Leprechauns must have incentive to create rainbows, but firefighters do not have incentive to light them.