Does it upset you when black people are on your screen?
Do you suppose it does?
I'm guessing that yeah it does. I think it mortifies you. Prove me wrong.
I think it mortifies you. Prove me wrong.
Keep guessing.
This shifts the burden of proof onto the other party, which isn't logical, especially if the original claim is contentious or baseless. In logical debate, the person making a claim should provide the proof.
Then I guess we're at an impasse. I see you as scared of seeing black faces in places you don't expect it. Must mean you inherently are afraid of black people. But it's not strange for MAGAts to be scared like that.
Propaganda for woke people...
It is entertainment. It is not a historical documentary. They also do not show people dying of "consumption", starving to death, or women having few rights. Remember, entertainment is not a source for historical accuracy. That is what history classes are for.
It's not like accidentally having a 1965 model Ford visible in a film that's supposed to me set in 1963, is it?
Advertisers spend big money to make people believe that what they see in the media is reality, pop pop.
Odd that you don't know that's how propaganda works.
Roll, Tide!
They spend a lot of money to entertain people. They also work to not alienate potential viewers.
Who told you that, paw paw?
Impressionable people?
Roll, Tide!
I have been told by people in the entertainment industry.
So you say, pop pop.
Guess what? I don't believe you.
Roll, Tide!
That is fine.
But if you look at modern TV shows, my point is made.
So you say, paw paw.
Guess what?
I don't agree.
Roll, Tide!
That is fine. If you want to ignore the evidence I suggested, you can be blissfully unaware.