I believe in democracy. You seem like a kook.So you're A National Socialist supporter
I believe in democracy. You seem like a kook.So you're A National Socialist supporter
It's a simple question, did YHWH give Israel to the Jews?I believe in democracy. You seem like a kook.
I don't give a fuck about your stupid religious ideas.It's a simple question, did YHWH give Israel to the Jews?
I say yes!
Sounds like a personal problem!I don't give a fuck about your stupid religious ideas.
It is not.Sounds like a personal problem!
Hamas is the government of Gaza. Therefore, Hamas, their military arm is an actual military. It is just so incompetent, pathetic, and ill-trained that the only option open to it in warfare is irregular street fighting. I wouldn't even characterize it as guerrilla warfare. It's more like a street gang with military grade weapons. Hamas mainly fights as individuals or at best in small groups. There is no coordinated effort going on.
Do you have a deed of gift from God for the land of Palestine? Can you show the document?YHWH cares!
"This land is mine God gave this land to me"!
yeah, and even the babies are terrorists!Seems to me that the Palestinians are incapable of:
* forming and running a coherent, unified, government.
* creating a trained and capable military.
* pursuing a reasonable and effective foreign policy
* creating a society with a productive and profitable economy
* protecting their civilian population from even their own government and other political factions
* living with their neighbors, be those Jews or Arabs.
The way I see it is that history shows the Palestinians are their own worst enemies because they are racist, hate filled, violent, illiterates who cannot think their way out of a wet paper sack.
anyone bombed in their home is "hiding behind their family".Blowing up civilians and hiding behind children isn't 'actual military', it's merely feral scumbaggery. They don't do much 'governing' either, they just let the UN handle stuff like water and electricity. They are simply gangsters and organized crime syndicates.
this is the only use you fake Christians have for the Bible.YHWH cares!
"This land is mine God gave this land to me"!
And for what reason did they start a war in Afghanistan? Where is America and where is Afghanistan?!After 20 years and over a trillion dollars could not beat the sheep herders of Afghanistan.
Buckle Up Fuckers.
This WILL Hurt.
Cry me a river.
Понятно, у тебя нет ответа.Cry me a river.
stupid.The Imperial Empire lost to the Russians.
But then again we lose all of our wars.
Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.
zionists are dumbfuck retards.What childish babble. Just like Putin, who claims that there is no Ukrainian people. Then who is Russia waging war with? Probably with the Martians. Probably Israel is waging war with the same Martians, if there is no such people as Arabs. The only thing I have to tell you is that I don't have time to comment on nonsense. Good luck.
Убейте Путина. Выстрелите ему в головуПонятно, у тебя нет ответа.
Sorry, I didn't write in English. And the answer is: You don't have an answer and that's understandable.Cry me a river.
anyone bombed in their home is "hiding behind their family".
This guy is motivated by a diybbuk.It's a simple question, did YHWH give Israel to the Jews?
I say yes!