What distinguishes fiction from nonfiction?


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Despite common usage, philosophers agree that we can’t equate ‘fiction’ with ‘false content’. On the one hand, the inclusion of falsity isn’t enough to render a work fiction. Books with false statements – old science textbooks with disproven theories, history books with mistakes, memoirs with contradictory events – don’t change their status from nonfiction to fiction when false content is identified.

Despite common usage, philosophers agree that we can’t equate ‘fiction’ with ‘false content’. On the one hand, the inclusion of falsity isn’t enough to render a work fiction. Books with false statements – old science textbooks with disproven theories, history books with mistakes, memoirs with contradictory events – don’t change their status from nonfiction to fiction when false content is identified.

You're an idiot. False isnt he same as creating fiction from one imagination
You're an idiot. False isnt he same as creating fiction from one imagination

So MSNBC broadcasts, which are created from the seething imaginations of psychotic Marxists would be "fiction." Where anything said by Kerine Jean-Pierre would be "false."

That clears it up, thanks!
Despite common usage, philosophers agree that we can’t equate ‘fiction’ with ‘false content’. On the one hand, the inclusion of falsity isn’t enough to render a work fiction. Books with false statements – old science textbooks with disproven theories, history books with mistakes, memoirs with contradictory events – don’t change their status from nonfiction to fiction when false content is identified.

Genetic outcomes of series parallel reproductions arriving in ancestral order since inception of the 5 original ancestral lineages native to this atmosphere one at a time. < answer to the title of this thread, not the clickbait of the OP.