Trump targets Kennedy Center in culture war, appoints himself director

No because you don't study shit or you would understand Trump is nothing like Hitler. You just spew buzz words from your retarded leftist fools and feel all virtuous. It's fucking embarrassing what you people mimic. I'm genuinely embarrassed for you.
“nothing like,” may be debatable, he is certainly not Hitler II, but his quest for absolute control sure does share the same autocratic zeal that motivated Adolph
I have viewed virtually every documentary about Nazi Germany ever produced and there's some good ones.

Did you even attend High school?
“viewed?” In other words, you watched a few movies, and that makes you an authority on the Third Reich? One could watch Triumph of the Will and conclude Hitler’s Germany was the best thing since sliced bread
“viewed?” In other words, you watched a few movies, and that makes you an authority on the Third Reich? One could watch Triumph of the Will and conclude Hitler’s Germany was the best thing since sliced bread
There is good information out there if you bother with it. A lot of it. You are a fucking moron by the way and not nearly intelligent enough to address me so shut the fuck up until you wise up ok?
There is good information out there if you bother with it. A lot of it. You are a fucking moron by the way and not nearly intelligent enough to address me so shut the fuck up until you wise up ok?
Yeah, but very little on film, tough to footnote video
Random point, First Ladies are honorary members of the Kennedy Center board. trump could have made melania's membership more than honorary, but that would not glorify himself enough.