Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Cole Schmidtknecht expected to pay $66.86 for a three-month supply of his preventative asthma inhalers in January 2024 when he went to his Walgreens pharmacy in Appleton, Wisconsin. The pharmacy allegedly told him his insurance no longer covered the medication, so he would have to pay the full cost.
The bill: $539.19, according to a recently filed lawsuit.
The bill: $539.19, according to a recently filed lawsuit.
Man dies of asthma attack after inhaler cost skyrockets to more than $500
Cole Schmidtknecht expected to pay $66.86 for a three-month supply of his preventative asthma inhalers in January 2024 when he went to his Walgreens pharmacy in Appleton, Wisconsin. The pharmacy allegedly told him his insurance no longer covered the medication, so he would have to pay the full...