For All You Climate Nutters Out There


Simple question.

Why don't you lefties first go around your own cities and pick up all of the disgusting trash that is laying around everywhere one tries to walk before obsessing over "global climate crisis"?

For supposedly "caring about the environment", you lefties sure have the most disgusting trashiest cities that I've ever seen, cities in which it's impossible to walk around anywhere without seeing a bunch of empty monster cans, beer cans, used masks, plastic bags, etc etc etc laying around EVERYWHERE............

How about cleaning up YOUR OWN IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENT first? How about removing the beam from your own eye before considering the mote in your brother's eye?
Simple question.

Why don't you lefties first go around your own cities and pick up all of the disgusting trash that is laying around everywhere one tries to walk before obsessing over "global climate crisis"?

For supposedly "caring about the environment", you lefties sure have the most disgusting trashiest cities that I've ever seen, cities in which it's impossible to walk around anywhere without seeing a bunch of empty monster cans, beer cans, used masks, plastic bags, etc etc etc laying around EVERYWHERE............

How about cleaning up YOUR OWN IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENT first? How about removing the beam from your own eye before considering the mote in your brother's eye?
For the Left, that's the government's job. If the government doesn't have enough money to do it, they can tax the rich some more, or pillory big corporations with lots of new regulations forcing them to do the job.

That's how the Left and Democrats roll.

Personal responsibility? Are you fucking crazy?
For the Left, that's the government's job. If the government doesn't have enough money to do it, they can tax the rich some more, or pillory big corporations with lots of new regulations forcing them to do the job.

That's how the Left and Democrats roll.

Personal responsibility? Are you fucking crazy?
You're right.... What was I ever expecting from a group of people who get all whiny and bitchy about being asked to list five things that they did at work over the last week.........
Simple question.

Why don't you lefties first go around your own cities and pick up all of the disgusting trash that is laying around everywhere one tries to walk before obsessing over "global climate crisis"?

For supposedly "caring about the environment", you lefties sure have the most disgusting trashiest cities that I've ever seen, cities in which it's impossible to walk around anywhere without seeing a bunch of empty monster cans, beer cans, used masks, plastic bags, etc etc etc laying around EVERYWHERE............

How about cleaning up YOUR OWN IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENT first? How about removing the beam from your own eye before considering the mote in your brother's eye?
To clarify.... people who live in cities that have trash on the street, shouldn't be concerned about concerned/worried about climate change?

To clarify.... people who live in cities that have trash on the street, shouldn't be concerned about concerned/worried about climate change?
Instead of irrationally worrying about the things that you cannot change (e.g. the weather), consider doing what is immediately actionable. You have the power to immediately stop littering. You have the power to immediately clean up your own filthy property and your own filthy neighborhood. You have the power to immediately speak to others and suggest that they ought to do likewise. You have the power to "be the shining light". Such change in attitude towards your immediate environment must come from within (which ultimately comes from above).
Instead of irrationally worrying about the things that you cannot change (e.g. the weather), consider doing what is immediately actionable.
weather and climate aren't the same thing.
You have the power to immediately stop littering.
You do? Other than passing laws against littering, which every state has, What do you suggest? Maybe snipers on top of every building, looking for the next person that drops a Snickers wrapper?
You have the power to immediately clean up your own filthy property and your own filthy neighborhood.
Whose filthy neighborhood?
You have the power to immediately speak to others and suggest that they ought to do likewise.
how do you foresee that happening? People standing on corners? People going door to door?
You have the power to "be the shining light". Such change in attitude towards your immediate environment must come from within (which ultimately comes from above).
You do realize that, without cities, towns, etc putting effort into cleaning up trash, they would be up to their rooftops in garbage, right? What in the actual fuck are you talking about right now?
weather and climate aren't the same thing.
He never said it was, Void.
He is not you, Void.
Other than passing laws against littering, which every state has, What do you suggest?
Enforce the law.
Maybe snipers on top of every building, looking for the next person that drops a Snickers wrapper?
You don't need snipers to enforce the law.
Whose filthy neighborhood?
how do you foresee that happening? People standing on corners? People going door to door? You do realize that, without cities, towns, etc putting effort into cleaning up trash, they would be up to their rooftops in garbage, right? What in the actual fuck are you talking about right now?
Simple question.

Why don't you lefties first go around your own cities and pick up all of the disgusting trash that is laying around everywhere one tries to walk before obsessing over "global climate crisis"?

For supposedly "caring about the environment", you lefties sure have the most disgusting trashiest cities that I've ever seen, cities in which it's impossible to walk around anywhere without seeing a bunch of empty monster cans, beer cans, used masks, plastic bags, etc etc etc laying around EVERYWHERE............

How about cleaning up YOUR OWN IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENT first? How about removing the beam from your own eye before considering the mote in your brother's eye?
Who said they don't?
He never said it was, Void.
Again, stop being dishonest and, more importantly, stop being stupid. In a discussion about climate change he specifically referenced Not worrying about things you can't control "(e.g. the weather)"

I intentionally didn't respond to anything else in your post. When you start off a response with dishonesty and stupidity, I see no reason to continue.
Again, stop being dishonest
Inversion fallacy.
and, more importantly, stop being stupid.
Mantra 1a. Lame.
In a discussion about climate change
Climate cannot change, Void.
he specifically referenced Not worrying about things you can't control "(e.g. the weather)"
You can't control the weather.
I intentionally didn't respond to anything else in your post.
Blatant lie (denial).
When you start off a response with dishonesty and stupidity, I see no reason to continue.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. Mantra 1a. Lame.
Simple question.

Why don't you lefties first go around your own cities and pick up all of the disgusting trash that is laying around everywhere one tries to walk before obsessing over "global climate crisis"?

For supposedly "caring about the environment", you lefties sure have the most disgusting trashiest cities that I've ever seen, cities in which it's impossible to walk around anywhere without seeing a bunch of empty monster cans, beer cans, used masks, plastic bags, etc etc etc laying around EVERYWHERE............

How about cleaning up YOUR OWN IMMEDIATE ENVIRONMENT first? How about removing the beam from your own eye before considering the mote in your brother's eye?
You should see most of their homes. I'll never forget going to sell a job when I wore a young mans clothes at a couple of granola sandal wearing types and nearly vomited from the sites and smells I saw in their home. It was far worse than I could've imagined without seeing it myself.

That was the most extreme example of many others. Libtards in general live like pigs and often have a peculiar smell to go with it.

You're right, start with the basics, personal hygiene, your own house, your own yard, your own town or city, your own State, and then and only then start thinking about bigger things beyond your control, but even then, try offering possible solutions rather than bitch and moan about others.