Is the bird flu fake?

Mantra 1d. Lame.
Seriously. I do get concerned about idiots like poor Scott spreading b.s. and misinformation about health issues. It truly can be dangerous, even deadly, as we saw in the pandemic. Hopefully, stating that he took biology in h.s. and believes there are no such thing as viruses should warn most ppl away from accepting his crazy shit. But if a random MAGAT or two buys into it and doesn't get vaxxed and gets sick -- oh well. Maybe they'll learn, the hard way.. lol
Fear mongering. Paranoia. MAGA isn't a person.
According to who?
Random phrase. No apparent coherency.
Here's the problem, no answer I provided would matter to you, because you are not rational. If I were able to compile a list of every person who has ever been involved with the development, application, tracking and compiling of data that shows how dramatically the number of cases gone down since the vaccine was developed and sufficiently implemented, it wouldn't matter because, again, you are not sane.
NAA. Try again.

Here's what appears to be the basis for the rabbit hole you've gone down.

The information I'm about to post will not matter to you because you are a conspiracy theorist and irrational.
The Democrat party is a conspiracy. It is no theory.
Here it is anyway:

Fact check: Viruses harmful to humans are proven to exist​

So? You don't need to 'fact check' this! :laugh:

BTW, did you know that people have immune systems?
Trump is both selfish and irresponsible. He's unfit to lead.
You don't get to determine that, Sybil. Trump was elected President of the United States.
Fighting him hasn't worked for either the real Republicans nor the Democrats so now they are taking the tactic of stepping back to watch the implosion.
True Scotsman fallacy.
Trump is the leader of the Republican party. Obviously you've forgotten the Republican convention.
The Democrat party is a conspiracy. It is no theory.

So? You don't need to 'fact check' this! :laugh:

BTW, did you know that people have immune systems?
"BTW, did you know that people have immune systems?"


Did you know that our skull/fluid protects our brain? Should football players and motorcyclists wear helmets or just rely on what nature gave them?
Say, wasn't it under The Faggot and his meat puppet Joe that 300 million chickens were slaughtered over the bird flu?

I know you're just lying to smear the opposition - as always - but this is a new level of stupidity even for you...
You lie, I would need a citation for
"oe that 300 million chickens were slaughtered over the bird flu?"
Nothing. .
Per usual..
You go live your paranoid life.

Get every Covid booster and flu shot you can get your hands on.
Is it paranoid to wear a seatbelt? Is it paranoid to wear a helmet when riding my dirt bike? Is it paranoid to have locks on the doors in your house? Is it paranoid to lock the doors on your car when you aren't around?

Random phrases. No apparent coherency.
yah, pretty convenient that a sentence/question becomes incoherent when you don't want to answer it because... wait for it.... you're being an idiot again.
Per usual.. Is it paranoid to wear a seatbelt?
A seatbelt is not a vaccine. There ARE cases where wearing a seatbelt is not only unnecessary, it is dangerous.
Is it paranoid to wear a helmet when riding my dirt bike?
No one is talking about helmets. A dirt bike is not a virus.
Is it paranoid to have locks on the doors in your house? Is it paranoid to lock the doors on your car when you aren't around?
Pivot fallacies.
yah, pretty convenient that a sentence/question becomes incoherent when you don't want to answer it because... wait for it.... you're being an idiot again.
A dirt bike is not a virus or a vaccination. A car is not a virus or a vaccination.
Pivot fallacies won't work, Void.