I can't wait for leftists to tank the economy tomorrow

They can't kid themselves indefinitely. Sooner or later they will have give it up and start blaming things on Democrats.
Blaming what, Marty?

The Feb 28th boycott was an utter failure. No one even noticed it.
Just business as usual. Even the Starbucks still had a line in the drive-thru.
Well that is another NEW ONE.
The economy was doing a LOT better at the end of Biden's term then when he took over and now the Right is trying to make it look like it was bad, just like they did when Trump took over from Obama.
Trump will tank it with his tariffs and try to put all the blame on the Dems. Trump can NEVER take credit for all the things he fucks up. Never did NEVER will.
Economic depression by Democrats is NOT a better economy, Tball.
You can't blame Trump for what Democrats did.
Wait. I want to make this sow squeal. I want to know who the "unbiased third party" will be. She keeps claiming that no one will take her idiotic wager. I will, but it won't be on her terms. There are fewer than 5 people on JPP who think there is any chance in the world that @TOP was ever a teacher. I am willing to put the nail in the coffin, but it won't be via her dox trap. If she can't handle this fairly and transparently, then she concedes what nearly all of us already know: She was never a teacher.
Debanking is a conspiracy theory that's been around since Obama. A bank refuses to give loans to risking business proposals and the far right conspiracy theorists, including Pedo Don himself, claim the ones that were right winged are being biased against. Notice they don't whine about the LW ones. LOL
You are still hallucinating, Sybil.