I can't wait for leftists to tank the economy tomorrow

There's a mod who is a teacher...that's who I was going to ask to be the unbiased party...I suggested that ages ago...it would just be easier if just one person would tell the truth...considering there are copies of the credentials that have been shared with so many...
It's an easy easy easy check... The truth is always the easiest...
Apparently it's a Canadian thing in response to the Toadstool's tariffs. The real puzzle is why Toxic is so desperate about it. It's kind of you to give the poor needy thing so much attention though. Keeps her away from pestering the rest of the adults. :rofl2:
Trying to deny what you idiots tried to organize (and utterly failed!) don't work, Phanty.
I think that has much more to do with racism. There's one KKKer on this board who *still* goes on and on about her supposedly being a male. If there's one thing they can't stand, it's an accomplished, well-educated, intelligent, assertive Black woman. They hate them even worse than they hated the accomplished, well-educated, intelligent, assertive Black man who became POTUS.
Go stuff your racism up your butt, Phanty.
There's a mod who is a teacher...that's who I was going to ask to be the unbiased party...I suggested that ages ago...it would just be easier if just one person would tell the truth...considering there are copies of the credentials that have been shared with so many...
It's an easy easy easy check... The truth is always the easiest...
No mod is dumb enough to play your doxxing games.
Have leftists tanked the economy yet?

The FDR response to a market downturn, stealing privately held gold (why Fort Knox was built!), and the resulting depression that lasted well into the 50's, when Eisenhower finally ended it.

The dot.com /y2k crash, caused by massive borrowing and easy money from the Fed during the Clinton administration. Despite Bush Jr's other problems, he did finally end this depression.

The 2007 crash (caused by housing policies started by Democrats that finally blew up in overspeculation) followed by massive inflation and market interference caused by Obama. That economic depression lasted a year into the Trump administration, when Trump finally ended it.

The Covid19 Hoax crash caused by Democrats. This economic depression is still ongoing.

Both events caused a lot of businesses to be DESTROYED. They never came back.

The Feb 28th 'economy blackout' planned by Democrats was an utter failure. The affect was completely unnoticed.
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You just don't like the fact that people don't like you and they are able to vocalize that. You aren't going to stop anyone. Go play in traffic.
Amen. She hates being hated. But she loves negative attention as much as any other kind of attention. She clearly had a very traumatic childhood that led to a lifetime of misplaced hatred and a toddler's arsenal of coping mechanisms. We are so fortunate not to be her.