There's this thing called the Constitution that tells us all that Congress cannot do Foreign Relations... I get that you like to try to ignore it, but the reality is, only the Executive Branch gets to go there.Okay, let's cut the crap: The MAGA foghorn is blowing loud that Zelensky is the bad guy here, if not equal in the crime of hubris with Dump and Little Dump.
GMAFB! Anyone with an 8th of a brain who watched that debacle can clearly see who the adult in the room was. I mean, who was the asshole who made a big deal out of the man not being in a suit & tie? Guess he hasn't seen the various appearances by the Apartheid Punk along side Cheeto Jeezus in the Oval Office over the last week or so.
Prior to the Oval Office Ambush, Zelensky was hammering out a deal with various congress folk...