Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
I suspect the boycotts failed to gain traction across most of America for two reasons;Well maybe IF the first " boycotts" had been advertised and people would have known about them they may have been bigger, but nobody I know even heard about then,
I never heard about them till you said something on here.
Thanks for putting out the new list maybe more people will hear about these and actually boycott them.
1. It's about DEI. A topic which does not seem to be a high priority for most Americans. I suspect the reason is #2 below. In short, they're too busy focusing upon their families, jobs and making ends meet to worry about the civil rights of others.
2. Most Americans are still fighting higher prices, which Trump has failed to reduce, and will buy from whatever is cheaper regardless of a boycott.

Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs? | Daily Question
Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs?