MSDNC is absolutely leftist media. It's absurd to pretend that it isn't. It is the propaganda branch of the DNC, they don't even try to hide it. They keep trying to shuffle leftist people around trying to find a leftist crew that folks will actually watch, they fail at it, but they are definitely leftist media.Oh, you did find one! Those aren’t actually leftist media. Try Substack, Medias, Bluesky, or The Young Turks. See “leftist” have left those cable channels behind, because they aren’t really leftist. The “leftist” media is supporting the Good Trouble. There were 10 Democrats who foolishly voted to censure Al Greene.
They are hearing from the left today and they will probably be primaried for this error.
Tune into the true leftist media Damo, not the corporate junk.
There are quite a few of leftist "new media" that have done videos and podcasts, etc. on the subject as well.
I'm always interested, we see a CBS poll that shows that only 25% of Democrats are happy with the display, then I come here and it seems we only have the 25% of leftist loons on this board. Not even one of you will admit how terribly that appeared, that the message was lost in poor delivery. It's amazing to me.