Raise your own Chilckens!

You are not allowed to have chickens in my community. That is normal in the US. But it does not matter. Telling people to raise chickens for eggs, is stupid. It also shows how Trump's people relate to the people. He ran partly on the price of eggs. If Trump offered raising chickens as a solution, he would have burned the issue down., We have an idiot on this board who started many threads on the price of eggs. Now she avoids the subject,
You are not allowed to have chickens in my community. That is normal in the US. But it does not matter. Telling people to raise chickens for eggs, is stupid. It also shows how Trump's people relate to the people. He ran partly on the price of eggs. If Trump offered raising chickens as a solution, he would have burned the issue down., We have an idiot on this board who started many threads on the price of eggs. Now she avoids the subject,
Many areas allow the raising
of chickens...and ducks... You don't have any farmers markets?
Many areas allow the raising
of chickens...and ducks... You don't have any farmers markets?
Try and do better. Farmers markets cannot make up the loss of millions of chickens. The problem is bird flu. Why do you think people raising chickens would not have the same problems, yet have to deal with them with less experience and knowledge? How does any of this solve the problem. ? Answer, it was a stupid response by a Trump and you should have been able to understand it is not workable. But it is beyond you.
Try and do better. Farmers markets cannot make up the loss of millions of chickens. The problem is bird flu. Why do you think people raising chickens would not have the same problems, yet have to deal with them with less experience and knowledge? How does any of this solve the problem. ? Answer, it was a stupid response by a Trump and you should have been able to understand it is not workable. But it is beyond you.
They don't have any problems here that I know of... Everybody who can raise them should ...take an opportunity to do so or find a neighbor or market who has chickens...ducks... I just did... Homemade bread homemade jam homemade pies homemade rolls... honey...pickles... On and on and on...I do every week... There are so many options... Relax... That hate is eating you up...20250308_134028.jpg
Yup, but not the solution.

Lots of wealthy people in France were having cakes baked as well.

Please stop this. I'm trying to cut WAY back on my cursing, and ... people like you (had to pause so I wouldn't call you a bad name) are making it very difficult. Of course this is not the total solution, but this is par for the course for "people like you".

You find a "problem" supposedly created by Trump but won't offer a solution. This is not a Trump problem; it's a bird flu problem that was exacerbated by the tater head's generally inflationary environment. And contrary to "people like you" who have their panties all twisted, there are at least 3 solutions:

1) Raise a few chickens if you can.

2) Don't buy eggs.

3) Shut up and pay for the eggs until they replace the 134 million chickens they culled to try and control the bird flu.

Was that so hard?
Y'all are sksckin
Please stop this. I'm trying to cut WAY back on my cursing, and ... people like you (had to pause so I wouldn't call you a bad name) are making it very difficult. Of course this is not the total solution, but this is par for the course for "people like you".

You find a "problem" supposedly created by Trump but won't offer a solution. This is not a Trump problem; it's a bird flu problem that was exacerbated by the tater head's generally inflationary environment. And contrary to "people like you" who have their panties all twisted, there are at least 3 solutions:

1) Raise a few chickens if you can.

2) Don't buy eggs.

3) Shut up and pay for the eggs until they replace the 134 million chickens they culled to try and control the bird flu.

Was that so hard?
Pretty easy isn't it? They would cry if eggs were a dollar a dozen... It would just be a different gripe... Are they ever not complaining?
Please stop this. I'm trying to cut WAY back on my cursing, and ... people like you (had to pause so I wouldn't call you a bad name) are making it very difficult. Of course this is not the total solution, but this is par for the course for "people like you".

You find a "problem" supposedly created by Trump but won't offer a solution. This is not a Trump problem; it's a bird flu problem that was exacerbated by the tater head's generally inflationary environment. And contrary to "people like you" who have their panties all twisted, there are at least 3 solutions:

1) Raise a few chickens if you can.

2) Don't buy eggs.

3) Shut up and pay for the eggs until they replace the 134 million chickens they culled to try and control the bird flu.

Was that so hard?
Thanks for admitting the Trump administration's advice was mostly bullshit to cover up the fact Trump lied when he claimed he'd lower the price of eggs.
Let them eat cake!
Random cliche. No apparent coherency. Ignored.
In response to demands that The Felon honor his promise to lower food prices, the commerce secretary said people should raise their own chickens!
Nothing wrong with raising chickens. If you can, do so.
Chickens not only provide you with eggs and meat, they also are very easy to care for, eat pesky bugs, and are even pretty quiet (unless you have a rooster!).
Wow, how arrogant and tone deaf can they be?
Apparently you have no idea how Trump is going to lower prices on food and other goods, even though he's already described it! It's not by chickens, Pretender.
Most poor people live in apartments or housing complexes with rules against that. Additionally, when you have two jobs, raising chickens is time prohibitive.

Akin to Marie Antoinette telling the starving French middle class to eat cake.
There you go with class warfare again. It won't work, Pretender.
Most people have houses. Chickens are easy to raise. They don't require any significant time to raise them.

Heck, most things in a chicken coop can be automated...even the door closing after the birds return to roost, and opening automatically the next morning when the birds wake and want to feed.