Will the DNC Burn Out out or Just Fade Away?

Republicsns support secure borders.

They support deporting violent illegal criminals.

They support protecting Jewish students at universities.

They support 13 year old cancer patients.

Democrats do not.
Cutting funding for cancer research is not supporting 13 years ago old cancer patients.
... not while its bleeding out.

I don't know if you've been keeping up on current events, but the Republican party controls the House, the Senate and the White House.

You did miss that part, didn't you?
Not the Republican Party of 10 years ago, by a long shot.
That has been debunked. days ago.

Do try to keep up, dummy.

Wrong asshole​

Trump cuts to US medical research could slow breakthroughs, scientists warn of risks to patients​

Totally off your feed...78..seriously? You can do better...Dig up some old threads...
You can do this...it's for the band...;)
More gibberish that only your drunken mind knows what you are trying to say. I'd suggest you take a break before you hurt yourself, but no I think you should keep going. Don't worry I am certain Trump will personally pay for that new liver!