Will the DNC Burn Out out or Just Fade Away?

The Dems still have plenty of power and voters. The repubs survived out of power form '52 to '92. The Dems kept their old Slave name and survived. 2026 will give us more info.

As you know, Pres. Washington did not believe in parties, he believed in judging individuals.

Do you have any suggestions as to what the Dems new messaging should be? I don't.

Do any JPP libs think the party needs to change its platforms?
That last question is an interesting one. The Democrats had no platform!
Just hate and pushing their sexual perversions.
The 2-party system is too entrenched. I'd like to see viable 3rd & 4th parties emerge - but what I'd like is fantasy.
Apparently you aren't aware of the other dozen or so political parties out there.
Both parties rake in so much money that it's almost impossible for another party to break through.
It's not about money, drunk.
The Dems might have control of the House by summer.
Planning a coup?
They're not anywhere near done as a party, particularly w/ the money they bring in.
And there it is...all hanging out pink and naked. Democrats plan to continue the same campaign they lost on.
They'll likely win the '26 midterms also.

They're going through all of the stages right now- denial, anger, etc. Eventually, they'll realize what went wrong, and adjust, and move more toward the center.
You obviously aren't adjusting.
Neither, it will evolve like normal…. The Republicans burned out about 10 years ago.
Is that why Republicans:
* Gained the Presidency?
* Are the majority in the House?
* Are the majority in the Senate?
* There are more Republican governors in the United States than Democrat ones?
* There are more Republican legislators in the United States than Democrat ones?

Riiiiiiight, Pretender. I guess YOUR description of 'burned out' is winning across the board! :laugh:

Wrong asshole​

Trump cuts to US medical research could slow breakthroughs, scientists warn of risks to patients​

No one is cutting cancer research, Sybil. You are still hallucinating.
Not going to work cunt
I know. You are as bone headed as they come.

Repetition-induced truth effect: The more we hear a lie, the more plausible it seems​

Inversion fallacy. You are describing Democrats and yourself again, Sybil.