77% of all terrorism in America is from the alt-right.

As a reforming life long over optimist I fight as if there is hope.....I dont claim that there is much.

If we are not dead then there is hope....this is as far as I will go.

Why does my calling out the FAR RIGHT Evangelicals bug you so much? Are you saying you're a part of them?

Are you ignoring the abuse done by churches, especially by the Catholic Church?

You still can't produce anything that Evangelicals are hurting children.

Oh, so now you are fingering churches in general, specifically Catholic churches?
Any child molesters should be shot, and I've said that many times.

You came to this thread, started by a despicable cunt, hating on Evangelicals and added your nonsense.
You still can't produce anything that Evangelicals are hurting children.

Oh, so now you are fingering churches in general, specifically Catholic churches?
Any child molesters should be shot, and I've said that many times.

You came to this thread, started by a despicable cunt, hating on Evangelicals and added your nonsense.
Did I say all Evangelicals? It seems to be a sore spot for you.
It is sad that the right uses religion as a cover for their hate. God makes some people gay. The Reds feel more qualified than god to judge his creations. Religion was the shield for the KKK. It is the same for Trumpism, a philosophy of hate and greed.
My apologies.
... for responding to a statement that was not made. Did your deaf-studies omit English comprehension as well? ... or is this your way of admitting that yes, you still believe that you speak for countless, unnamed political opponents?

I thought his usage of the term "they" was clear in who he was referring to.
Of course, you think that total ambiguity is perfect clarity.

Perhaps I should have said the far right Evangelicals and those who follow them?
Perhaps. Do you think that helps? My question is why do you believe you somehow speak for them?
It is sad that the right uses religion as a cover for their hate.
Nordberg, Global Warming, Climate Change, DEI and Marxism are all on the left.

God makes some people gay.
Oh, I see you are talking about those HATERS. I have news for you, God apparently only makes HATERS out of the homosexuals on the left.

The Reds feel more qualified than god to judge his creations.
I see that you join AProudLefty in pretending to speak for countless unnamed political opponents.

Religion was the shield for the KKK
Religion was the shield for Obama, Clinton and Biden.

Religion was the shield for every Democrat black leader.

Religion is the shield for warmizombies and climate lemmings.

Nah, most of the violence is from black and brown terrorists, which is why you feel some compulsion to post this rubbish. We're soon going to be dealing with the fact that Hamas has tortured, raped, and killed most of the hostages, and has nothing to trade now, and Trump's plan to allow those squatters in Gaza who want to leave to do so will leave Hamas with less than half of their remaining human shields.
... for responding to a statement that was not made. Did your deaf-studies omit English comprehension as well? ... or is this your way of admitting that yes, you still believe that you speak for countless, unnamed political opponents?

Of course, you think that total ambiguity is perfect clarity.

Perhaps. Do you think that helps? My question is why do you believe you somehow speak for them?
Do you have an issue with the term "far right"?
Do you have an issue with the term "far right"?
You didn't answer my question. Why do you believe that you somehow speak for Evangelicals? Shall I just assume that your deaf-studies taught you to believe that?

I don't have an issue with the term "far right". Its use helps me identify morons who have absolutely no idea about what they are speaking. Its use tells me who I'll be able to rake over the coals on any topic in short order.