Angry dysfunctional citizens need to blame someone.

Angry dysfunctional citizens need to blame someone besides themselves for their lives, enter The Felon!

This is the basis of Trumpism.

Your wife left you, and you are alone…. Damm feminists !

You are broke, fucking IRS!

You can’t get a girl, dam transgenders!

Can’t get a job? Blame globalists!
1741534951168.pngHuman nature will always protect the human from within and will search endlessly to find fault in everybody but itself. But especially if its white!!
An average meal with average eggs (from Publix) at the Juniper Reef resort.

Doesn’t sound like they got their money’s worth.
Busted, highlight of your weekend.. you caught me having average eggs from Publix. Oh the horror!!

Jupiter Reef Resort is not POSH but it’s very much my style. On the beach, can sleep with sliders open and hear the waves all night. Only a few miles from my house so easy commute, great restaurants close by for dinner. Kitchenette for drinks, breakfast and lunch.

Why do you consider it such a gotcha? You are desperate!
Most wealthy folks don’t go to a posh resort like the Juniper Reef and have their wives cook…average eggs from Publix.

Too funny.

Baseball coming.
You are funny, plenty of wealthy folks here. You would be shocked that plenty of wealthy people do not enjoy the Mar-A-lago lifestyle.

Lots of folks made their own breakfast. It’s why there are stove tops in the room.

You are stretching to find something. You reek of desperation.
Busted, highlight of your weekend.. you caught me having average eggs from Publix. Oh the horror!!

Jupiter Reef Resort is not POSH but it’s very much my style. On the beach, can sleep with sliders open and hear the waves all night. Only a few miles from my house so easy commute, great restaurants close by for dinner. Kitchenette for drinks, breakfast and lunch.

Why do you consider it such a gotcha? You are desperate!

pEarl and Toxic did a fine job of trying to avoid your OP while proving the truth of it. Well done! I hope you enjoy the rest of your time there. It sounds lovely!