Is trump a Russian asset? Five key points that point to yes ....

The following points are all PAINFULLY obvious, but trumpers apparently care more about paying fealty to their cult leader/golden god than they do about the future of the United States of America.....

How did we get here???

How did we get to the point where half the citizens of this country are so mired in hatred and bigotry that they'd hand the government over to an obviously anti-American grifter and charlatan who's doing the bidding of a former KGB agent right under everybody's noses, while they whistle blithely past the graveyard???

This would make a great plot for an international thriller novel or movie, but it is bound to devolve into disaster in real life.

By the time trump's simple-minded rube supporters figure out the consequences of having allowed themselves to be led down the primrose path, it will be too late.

I just hope they'll have to suffer as badly as everyone else.
Anyone claiming that Trump is a Russian asset should be embarrassed. But alas, saying incredibly stupid hit like this is a sign they have no brains.

PS, the one's mired in hatred and intolerance are the Democrats and their brainless acolytes like you. :palm:
There is a real chance that some of them will commit suicide, or even kill loved ones.

Democrats? Indeed.

Goebbels killed his own children, rather than have them live in a world without Hitler. I could see some trumpers doing the same.
You give new meaning to the term, unhinged lunatic. You should be shut up in a padded cell with shit like this erupting from you. :palm:
Anyone claiming that Trump is a Russian asset should be embarrassed. But alas, saying incredibly stupid hit like this is a sign they have no brains.

PS, the one's mired in hatred and intolerance are the Democrats and their brainless acolytes like you. :palm:
You have made multiple unfounded claims about Biden and Kamala so perhaps you should sit down.
It looks to me that Trump is hoping to trade ending the war against Russia without admitting what we did for getting MAGA a great deal with the Russians, even though Trump is trying to focus on hurting their blood brothers China, after decades of American betrayals of Russia.

Sure the Russian slaughter of Ukrainians is massive these days as America walks away, but the Russians dont want to slaughter Ukrainians, they want a peace deal with America/Europe.

And they want the end of Americas aggression globally, not helping America get space to try to lower the boom on China (try, because the effort will almost certainly fail).
Good lord; a dumber pile of brainless bile one can never utter. :palm:
This question ( topic ) should have been asked in Trumps last term.
I have asked a simple question to the MAGA and right wingers on this forum many of times for months now and still have not got an answer.
How do we know FOR SURE and I mean FOR SURE, that Trump did not give or sell some of our secrets to the 12 Russians , Putin , or the Chinese he had at MAR ?
We don't , Trump would NOT let any other AMERICAN into those meetings let alone a Russian / Chinese speaking AMERICAN.
Why was that?
The CIA, NSA, FBI came out not long after Trump had that meeting in the W H and said there was an unexplained increase in our deep cover agents being found and killed not long after Trump had that meeting with those 12 Russians, was it because he told them something?
We will never know for sure unless one of them comes forward with proof and shows us he did.
IMO Trump may have done the USA some grave harm , again we may never know.
Word salad. :palm:
A key part of the alt right philosophy is the feeling that families have abandoned white men... just because they do not pay child support. I almost think killing their families might just fit into the whole alt right philosophy.
Most JPP MAGAts do use violent revenge as a key motivator. Becoming family annihilators would fit their ideology. Notice how many of the following four traits JPP MAGAts exhibit: misogyny, honor killing, lack of individual economic success and anti-social to the point of paranoia.

The Four Types of Family Murderers​

The researchers identified the following four types of family murderers:

Self-righteous: The killer seeks to locate blame for his crimes upon the mother whom he holds responsible for the breakdown of the family. This may involve the killer phoning his partner before the murder to explain what he is about to do. For these men, their breadwinner status is central to their idea of the ideal family.

Disappointed: This killer believes his family has let him down or has acted in ways to undermine or destroy his vision of ideal family life. An example may be disappointment that children are not following the traditional religious or cultural customs of the father.

Anomic: In these cases the family has become firmly linked in the mind of the killer to the economy. The father sees family as the result of his economic success, allowing him to display his achievements. However, if the father becomes an economic failure, he sees the family as no longer serving this function.

Paranoid: Those who perceive an external threat to the family. This is often social services or the legal system, which the father fears will side against him and take away the children. Here the murder is motivated by a twisted desire to protect the family.

In all of these cases masculinity and perceptions of power sets the background for the crimes. The family role of the father is central to their ideas of masculinity and the murders represent a last ditch attempt to perform a masculine role.
I have no doubt they are selfish fucks who'd murder their own families then either eat their own gun or commit suicide-by-cop.
Democrats? NO doubt. But hey, why don't you just kill yourself. No one would notice. No one would care. One less sociopathic lying dumbass on the planet has to be a good thing. ;)
A key part of the alt right philosophy is the feeling that families have abandoned white men... just because they do not pay child support. I almost think killing their families might just fit into the whole alt right philosophy.
Another stupid lie filled screed. I don't think you can post without lying and looking like an unhinged dumbass.

WTF is "alt right?" Explain if you can.