This question ( topic ) should have been asked in Trumps last term.
I have asked a simple question to the MAGA and right wingers on this forum many of times for months now and still have not got an answer.
How do we know FOR SURE and I mean FOR SURE, that Trump did not give or sell some of our secrets to the 12 Russians , Putin , or the Chinese he had at MAR ?
We don't , Trump would NOT let any other AMERICAN into those meetings let alone a Russian / Chinese speaking AMERICAN.
Why was that?
The CIA, NSA, FBI came out not long after Trump had that meeting in the W H and said there was an unexplained increase in our deep cover agents being found and killed not long after Trump had that meeting with those 12 Russians, was it because he told them something?
We will never know for sure unless one of them comes forward with proof and shows us he did.
IMO Trump may have done the USA some grave harm , again we may never know.